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Jake Ferzia

Ander and Tom look at me from across the table with raised eyebrows. I look at them nervously but keep my phone on the table in case she replies. It's been two days since I texted her but she hasn't replied. Maybe she regrets what happened between us.

"I told you he sneaked out in the middle of the night to go fuck Viola,"Ander grits out and I frown.

"Don't talk about her that way,"I warn him my voice going deeper than expected.

"So I'm lying?"

"It's none of your business,"I hiss.

Tom sighs deeply and sinks deeper into the chair. He's used to us bickering like children. He's the most mature of the three of us. He watches us clearly amused as we glare at each other.

"First of all Ander,his love life is none of your concern,"Tom says to Ander. Ander scoffs."Jake,are you sure this is healthy? The last time you broke up with her you were going nuts. Andy is just worried about a rerun of that shit show."

It's true I'd broken it off with Viola years ago. She'd asked for space and I was hurt. My ego was wounded so badly and I wanted her to feel hurt. I wanted to hurt her like she hurt me. So I got another 'girlfriend' and broke it off with her. After that I never kept a girl for more than a week. I used sex as a coping mechanism until Ander called me out. Ironical if you ask me but that's that. They both advised me and I changed my habits.

"I don't know okay. She's the only one I truly want. Seeing her made me feel whole somehow. I don't want to lose her again,"I reply.

"Thank God I've never fallen in love,"Ander says,"you sound like a lunatic."

Tom and I laugh at his serious demeanor. I feel sorry for whoever will be Ander's  love. She sure has a lot of work to do. Ander shakes his head and puts on his headphone. He's clearly through with this conversation.

"I don't know much about love but I just want you to know that I'll always support you. I think you are really serious about her. Just give her some time to think. Maybe she's just confused. Do you have her address?"

I think about how I dropped her off. I'd seen her walk a couple of blocks away so I am sure she lives around that neighborhood.


Tom runs a hand over his face.

"You have her number?"

"Yes, but she's not replying to my texts. I must've spooked her,"I murmur softly my brows pinched with worry. Did she really regret what we did in Berlin? Maybe I shouldn't come up with such conclusions.

I stand up from my seat and pace around the house. Ander rolls his eyes but keeps his headphone on. I think about my situation for a minute before an idea comes into my mind. I walk to Ander and remove his headphone,a wide smile on my face.


"I can't believe I'm doing this,"Ander complains for what seems to be the millionth time since I told him of my plan.

"Come on, I'd do the same for you,"I declare happily.

"I'd never be in such a situation,"he says as he makes a turn into a long corridor. He then takes in a deep breath,raises his hand and knocks on the door. Room 1001A.

There's a lot of shuffling inside, followed by a couple of footsteps and a string of curses. We all share a look. Ander shrugs. I hear a dull thud. Shit,has the occupant fallen down? We stand awkwardly in the seemingly vast and empty hallway. When the door finally opens, we come face to face with a boy of twenty or twenty one years old.

"Hello Fernando, mind if we come in?" Ander asks in a monotone and he nods letting us in and then closing the door behind us.

The house is messy. Bottles of alcohol and red cups are strewn all over, there are wrappers everywhere and I notice a black lacy thong inside a pizza box... This must have been a crazy night. Fernando looks at the three of us warily. He's slightly embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, I hosted this party yesterday and it went wild,"he mutters, chuckling nervously. His green hair looks even more comical against his tanned skin."What brings you here?" He turns to Ander.

"I need your help with something,"he confesses." The same as last time."

"No,"he rejects us firmly."Besides,it was my girlfriend who did it last time."

Almost immediately the door is knocked again. Tom goes to open it as I try to plead with the Ander's friend to help with my situation. Barely a minute later Tom walks back in with a woman with jet black hair tied in a tight bun and heavy make up. Her black lipstick makes her lips stand out because of her pale skin.She's wearing a short black dress, definitely for her boyfriend.

"Hey,Albie,"she greets him with a kiss then turns to us." Who are they?"

"Jing,these are my friends. Tom,Jake and you know Ander,"he introduces us calmly. Jing smiles at us brightly.

"Ander,so did you finally find the one?" She jokes.

"Which one?" He questions looking around and we all snicker."Anyways Jake here needs help with something urgent. You know like the last time I was here."

Jing smiles and looks at me. The expression on her face is quite grim.

"You're Jake Ferzia?" She asks and I nod. The smile on her face turns into a smirk."In that case the price has tripled."

Ander looks at her jaw slack from obvious shock. I really do not mind but he surely does because he speaks again.

"Come on that's not fair,"he whines and gives me a glare. To be completely fair we had not discussed anything about names and possibilities of the price rising,not that I mind anyways.

"Then look for some other place,"she replies coldly.

"I'll pay, just help me out,"I say quickly.

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