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A Fake Hope


*.......you jumped out of the window and saw a man infront of you. You we're not able to see his face because he was standing just beside sun, it just looked like the sun was rising from his head like a sun rises for sea or horizon. He was wearing a Black suit with a vest and a black and brown cheak tie with a pair of black leather shoes. He was wearing silver rings which were shining like when a mirror is placed infront of a sun. There was also a silver Rolex watch on his wrist. He was holding a paper in his hand which had bold font, it mostly looked like a office presentation or a script. He overall looked like a rich man who had nothing to do with a person like me or he also didn't had nothing to do with a apartment like this (the one in which you were kept). So what is he doing here? What made him come here? Did he came here to save me? *

Thoughts like these came in your mind when you saw this man but you ignored them and hastly asked for help to escape from there.

Y/n : Pleas-e Help!

*your voice was cracking because your throat was really paining*

Y/n :  I'm in dan-

*you can't complete your sentense because someone from behind, while running and yelling came and said.....

Guy1 :  what are you doing here baby?

*He was pretending to be my husband or boyfriend so that the man standing infront of me doesn't get wrong idea.*

Y/n :  Shut the Fu€k up you bastard! I'm not your babe okay.

*you said in a yelling or shouting manner*

Unknown man :  Hey man! Be in your limits. She is my wife and belongs to me. She got missing for about a month ago and now she is here in this condition and you are claiming that she is your studid "babe". Rubbish! She is mine and now I'm taking her with me.

*you We're confused*

Babe where were you for these days? I was in grave fear that you got kidnapped or something. But now lets leave this place and go to home. Come on stand up.

*whe you jumped from the window you fell down on the ground because of the pressure. And now you can't stand up because you're legs aren't supporting you.*

Y/n :  I can't stand. My legs are hurting.

Unknown man :  Oh gosh! Okay no problem I'll pick you up.

*he proceeds to pick you up in a bridal way and you both leave from there*

Author's POV

You both went from there, but the man who mentioned you as his wife and was also the one who r@ped you was standing there with a pissed off face and called his boss and said.....*

Guy1 : *on call* Boss she ran.

Boss :  What?

Guy1 :  she ran aw-

Boss : Get her back AT ANY COSTTTT! I want her. No no no I need her. She is all I want just get her to me at any cost okay. Other wise you are doomed!

Guy1 :  okay boss.

*call hangs up*

*meanwhile you and him*

Y/n :  Who are you and why did you saved me?

Him :  I'm.........



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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