Chapter 18: Questioning

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A/N: I had a great Easter! Very casual and simple, i hope you all had a lovely Easter weekend!

"Since when did they become friends?" Alec's voice was hushed as he turned to Nolan with a frown.

Nolan shrugged, turning to see Maddie talking with Brett across the room. "I didn't know that they were..." Nolan stood up which only aided in conceding Alec.

"No wait—" Alec stood up and grabbed Nolan's hand, "we can't just walk up to them? You really think Brett will let that happen?"

Nolan looked down, "I don't really. Are what Brett wants at this point. People are dying and we could be next, Gwen knew something and I can guarantee Brett has something to do with it."

Alec sighed, he knew deep down Nolan was probably right but it didn't help the aching and twisting feeling in his stomach. "I'll come with you," he said with soft eyes.

Nolan smiled, "thank you Alec, you're too good to me." He walked over to Brett with Alec behind him, "Brett."

The taller boy rolled his eyes before turning to meet his gaze. "Can I help you?"

"Maddie, why are you talking to him?" Alec asked confused.

Maddie frowned, her brows furrowing as she looked between the boys. "Do I even know you?" She asked, even though she knew Alec since they were both earth elementals.

"We have every single class together and you know it," Alec replied, "he's trouble Mads, stay away from him."

"Pretty sure I can pick my own friends, thanks though." With that Maddie was walking away, not giving them a second glance before she turned the corner.

"Great," Brett huffed out, "are you idiots hell bent on ruining my life? Are you jealous? Is that what this is?"

"Jealous?" Alec snorted, "of you? Brett don't make me laugh."

"You want my sloppy seconds?" He looked to Nolan, "have at it. But stay the fuck out of my life, got it?"

Before Brett could walk away with the last say, Alec grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Do you think you're intimidating Brett?"


Alec smirked, "your height and your mouth do very little for intimidation." He pulled Brett by his collar so that he could whisper in his ear, "earth elementals can crush metal Brett, I could crush your skull with my mind. Remember that."

Brett pulled back, his mouth shut as he shook his head. "You lot are fucked, no wonder people are dying... it's probably you psychos."

"What do you know about the murders?" Nolan asked, perking up as Brett mentioned them.

"I don't know shit alright, people are dying fuck— even Gwen is dead man. Just stay out of my business and I'll stay out of yours."

Before either could respond Brett was walking away, leaving the pair confused and having achieved nothing. "This sucks," Alec sighed.

"Well, we know Brett isn't killing them."

"Do we?"


"Keep looking at me and I'm going to drown you," Allison seethed through gritted teeth, meeting Theo's furious gaze.

"Tell me Ally, can I call you Ally?" He didn't wait for a response, "you lied to me yesterday, why?"

Allison slammed her pen down, "because I don't fucking like you. You're nothing but trouble Theodore." She stood up and walked over to the other table, "leave me the fuck alone."

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