Chapter 6 Shadows and Respect.

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Hey readers, here is the next chapter of the story. I hope you enjoy it. I also have a quick question regarding one of my other stories, A RWBY Intervention. I am currently trying to think of an epilogue for it, and I was wondering if it's better to show or tell the story. With that said, I hope you enjoy reading this chapter. 

A green fire ignited southwest of Hogwarts, turning red and shooting up to form a gateway. Several individuals stumbled out of the gateway and Mercury asked, "Can someone tell me why we were sent through?"

Tyrion replied with an insane chuckle, "Because our goddess told us to, Mr. Black." Mercury snarked, "Really? I don't see our missing train anywhere," as Hazel broke them up.

"Enough, children. The sooner we find the lamp, the faster we can leave," he said deeply.

Arthur noticed another comrade looking over a hill where he saw a small village below and asked Ms. Sustrai, "Do you recognize anyone down there?" He passed her a pair of binoculars, and she noticed that the residents in the village were dressed in clothes that would have fit in the Victorian age before she saw Team RWBY walking amongst them. Emerald was about to report when she saw someone she wasn't expecting to see. "That's impossible," Emerald murmured as Hazel took the binoculars and looked through them.

As soon as he saw the person Emerald was looking at, he said, "Ozpin?!" in surprise before snarling in anger. His colleagues tackled him down to keep him quiet.

"Are you trying to expose us?" Arthur hissed. "Can you at least keep your feud with the Headmaster quiet until we have all the answers? We are currently in enemy territory and there is a high possibility of being swarmed by numerous hunters at any moment." Arthur was chewing out Hazel when Emerald peaked over to see who she believed was Ozpin's former host and another black-haired boy tossed Ruby into the pond causing her to snicker.

" What?" Mercury asked only to notice what she found amusing causing him to snort which got louder as Ruby pulled Oscar in when he tried to help her up.

" That is why I suggest we send someone to scout," Arthur said, not paying attention to what was happening around him.

"And I take it the Scout will be you?" Tyrion asked after he skewered a toad sitting on top of the cliff.

" Well, of course, I'm the logical choice here as I never had direct contact with them. The only ones who might recognize me are Ozpin and possibly the Schnee girl. And apart from Miss Sustrai, the rest of you lack any form of stealth," Arthur said, getting up from his hiding spot.

" Now, I suggest you gentlemen wait here and don't cause any trouble," Arthur called as he made his way down to the village with Emerald following behind. They soon arrived at the village and saw a waitress waving a stick, causing chairs to stack on the tables.

The Duo looked back at each other in surprise before they saw a newspaper stand. They made their way over to it and noticed a few of their pictures were moving.

{The Goblet of Fire Summoned Lost Heir,} Watts read the headline before he continued and discovered a tournament going on.

" Ms, Sustrai If you don't mind go into that bookstore and take any information about this Tri-wizard tournament and The Potters,"

Emerald nodded and went inside the store to pickpocket some customers. Then, she paid for the books that Arthur had asked for. After that, they rendezvoused and left the store to meet their colleagues. Suddenly, someone called out to them. They turned around to see a man with long fiery red hair, He was out of breath and pointing a stick at them. The man threatened them, claiming he had powerful friends in the Ministry of Magic who would ensure they paid for their actions. However, he was abruptly interrupted by a metallic stinger piercing his throat, causing him to spew purple foam from his mouth before collapsing to the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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