1] He knew Me?

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Jungkook's pov:

" What's tomorrow's schedule, Brad." I asked rolling the steering wheel at the sharp turn on the highway as I drove back to house past 1 am.

" It's 1 am , boss~~ I will die one day because of extra work~~" The PA whispered feebly over the phone call in his half sleep.

" Tell me boy." My voice turned strict which resulted in a sigh and shuffle from the other side.

" You have a meeting with Park's Company , the batch staff , conference with employees , board meeting and councilling. " He said lowly and then I heard a loud thud with a low cursing which made me understand just how must sleepy he was .

" Ok Then. Now go to sleep." I said simply to which he said a " Yes boss" before I added " and....don't come to office tomorrow. Have some rest for the day."

His voice jumped from the phone call in surprise when he asked " what?"

" Don't make me repeat. Now sleep." I said monotonously before he squealed like a small child who had just got sweets.

" Thank you sooooo much , boss! " He exclaimed and I could feel his sleep going away.

" Good night boss. " He said before I hummed and with that the call ended.

I drove the car across the lone street as usual and took a turn through it but then a figure came across my car out of a sudden making me press the breaks hard with wide horrified eyes.

A terrible feeling crawled up my bones as I saw the figure touching my car's bumper with shocked eyes.

What the hell? Was this person crazy?

Had he lost it or was he even in his senses?!

My heart raced unimaginably fast as I gulped down my dry throat.

Just what could've happened if I hadn't stopped at the right time?

I dashed out of the car feeling and asked in a yell " Are you crazy?!" But the figure kept on looking downwards on the bumper which made my anger burn up the head.

" What the hell are you staring at?!" I shouted and grabbed his arm only to freeze at my stop terribly.

His arm was cold. Extremely cold.

" I am. " He paused in his words before finally looking up . " sorry. "

I didn't bother to take his apology because I wasn't in the state of taking it.

When his eyes met mine I almost gasped. " Kim Taehyung? " I asked looking at the face that was recognizable to me because he was no--no one to our country.

Kim Taehyung. The infamous solo Singer , song writer , etc, etc... he was an infamous figure of our country known for his beautiful and lovely songs and as for how did I know him? The answer is that I listened to his songs too but keeping that all aside the question right now arised was that--What was he doing here in an open area?

With no security around , no no one around, he was walking alone on that random street like nobody.

He stood their silently gazing at me, frozen.

What the hell was he even doing there at thing time?

" Why did you stop, anyway?" his voice was feeble and shaky. His eyes were red and swollen.

" Huh?" I didn't understand what he meant to say by that.

" The car. Why did you stop it? W-why didn't you go over me? " Ok. One thing was absolutely clear that the man in front of me was not sane at all.

Something wrong might have happened with him and maybe that's why he was suffering from some problem to say such a thing.

I didn't know what to do either! The road was having cars by every passing second with darkness all around and this man wasn't in his right state either.

I stared at his face for a while who gazed at me back with empty eyes. I didn't know what he was thinking but I had to do something. I couldn't let him be alone with no security around him.

" H-Hey. Lets go." I said softly with hesitation. I didn't know what he would think about that.

" Where? " He asked tilting his head sideways in daze.

" Somewhere safe.....?" I didn't know what else to say because I had no idea of what was happening. This was just crazy.

Late night with schedule dancing upon my head and now in the mid of the street I find our country's best singer roaming like some------I couldn't even think about this day coming.

" Safe?.......hmm...t-take me, wherever you want." He mumbled to which I took a deep breath and walked to the passenger's seat and opened it.

" come on. Get inside." He looked at the ground and strooded inside the car before I carefully closed the door and then rushed towards driver's seat.

Without delaying I started the car driving straight through the high way.

Where could I take him?



Mom and dad would freak out and I did neither had the time to explain nor the situation was decent.

I glanced at him and then adjusted the rareview mirror with enough tangent so that I could see him but he couldn't know that I was watching him.

I wasn't a creep and all I wanted was to make sure , if he was alright.

Looking at him I wanted to talk to him. I wanted to know about what had happened and why was he in the middle of the road all alone but I just couldn't make myself do that.

His face was very pale with red irritated eyes and a look that could make anyone cry.

I sighed heavily and turned my car to the side of the road.

" Here. Drink some water." I said passing him the bottle kept in between the seats.

His neck twisted to me and then he slowly smiled at me making my heart fall in my stomach.

I was going to die.

" Y-You are smiling? " He had taken me so off guard that his expressions shook me to my wits.

I wouldn't lie but he suddenly looked so opposite of the condition in which he was.

" Thank you. " He said wiping away his tears.

" Thank you so much, Jungkook! "


He knew me?

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