Chapter 1: A New Investigation

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"Ryuzaki, you have a new report." 

Watari told L, Watari handed L the files as L ate cake. L placed the fork down from his cake and looked at the files, L finally spoke.

"The infamous Hyakko? Hm... The NPA want's me to investigate while I'm busy with the Kira case?"

L asked, He was amused about this.

"Well then, I'll have to bring Light with me if that is so, I still suspect him. We will inform everyone tomorrow." L said to Watari. He picked up his fork and started to eat cake. 

"Alright, good day." Watari left the room as L continued to eat cake and analyze the files. 

"This school is beyond normal indeed."


"So you want me to join you into going to Hyyako?" Light asked L.

"Yes, I figured it would be the best way of investigating you." L told Light. 

"Our trip will start tomorrow." L explained. Misa then barged into the room.

"Your telling me that my boyfriend is leaving me for school!" Misa yelled.

"I'm going too and you can't stop me!" 

Misa said to L. She was certain and L didn't have the energy to stop her. 

"Anyways, while me, Light, and Misa leave for Hyyako. You will keep searching for Kira. Watari will help you out."

"Um... Ryuzaki. What will I do?" Matsuda asked. 

"Oh, um... You can help clean up the hotel." L responded. Matsuda groaned in disappointment. 

"Anyways, you two will need to start packing, and Light you will help with the files."

L then left the room. Leaving Misa and Light with the rest of the task force.

(stop song here)


L went to the kitchen to eat some cake and Light went to go eat a sandwich. 

"Ryuzaki, you keep eating sugar. Its not good for you, you can get sick." Light explained.

"Why? Do you not like sugar." Asked L.

"No, it's too sweet." Light told L. He took a bite of his sandwich. The silence was loud, so was the awkwardness. 

"Fine then. See you tomorrow."

 L took his cake with him as Light looked on. 

"I can never get him..." Light said to himself. He was glad L left before him or it would only make the awkwardness worse.


"President! We have some new students coming tomorrow" Sayaka told the student council president.

"My, my... L is coming? He is worth a lot..." The student council president smiled,

"Looks like we have a few more fish coming to our aquarium..."

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