The Fifth Jedi Schism

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Chapter 1: The Assassination of Emperor Fel

On the planet of Mustafar inside of Darth Malphas's palace Imperial Red Guards were guarding him; he had formed a personal regiment of bodyguards to protect all his major hide outs. Nakio Rutherford and Yuriski Khan, both dressed in black robes and cloaks, entered the throne chambers of Darth Malphas, both bowed. Nakio Rutherford said "Many fresh Acolytes join our ranks each day from the New Jedi Order deflecting to our ranks..." Yuriski Khan followed up and said "Our forces have liberated Sith Space, the Jedi and Federation are too busy with the war effort to pick up on our movements. " Darth Malphas laughed then said "Excellent you both have done well you have made a fine Sith Lord Nakio and Yuriski Khan a fine Apprentice both of you have earned your place at my side and grow stronger in the dark side by the day..." Nakio asked, "What is our next move, Master?" Darth Malphas then said in a confident tone "We will allow the death of the Federation if the Mandalorians claim victory in their next campaign Kamino, Polis Massa and Coruscant will issue the Clone Army.. we will strike when they least expect. They are losing their influence.. You both will travel with Mr Rickin to Bastin.."

Nakio said in a surprised tone "Master Rickin is alive?" Yuriski Khan grinned as Malphas laughed and said "I have broken Rickin he has become a useful tool you will oversee the capital I sense my brothers time has come soon.. Once you have set up camp in the capital city I will contact you with further instructions.." Nakio bowed and Yuriski Khan said "Yes Master." Nakio and Yuriski left the fortress as flame and fire popped and crackled from the surface underneath the walkways leading out of the Fortress. Two cloaked fighter craft jumped to Bastion landing inside the capital city's hangar bay. On Coruscant in the capital of the galaxy and the Core the Jedi Council would be meeting in the middle sat Alvin Merlin he had looked like he had slightly aged from the last time we saw him. Alvin Merlin turned to Jij and Arinu who looked the same as they did thirty years ago when this story began. Alvin Merlin said "We must prepare ourselves for if the Federation falls.. "

Jij responded "Hmmm uncertain times in we are.." Arinu Ling nodded and said "The New Jedi Order is at risk. I suggest attempting to create a ceasefire with the Mandalorians." Kyron Drago spoke next, the Mon Calamri said in a humble tone "I do agree with Master Arinu we need the Mandalorians to agree to a cease fire. '' Wolf Zaius snarled then said in a beastly tone " I do not believe the Mandalorians will go for it unless they get the bigger end of the stick.'' Molaar Questi said in an aged toned " I do not believe we can afford to barter with Mandalorians." Vinshu Blessed who was now a Jedi Council Master sat with his fellow Masters and said calmly "I sense sooner or later the time will present itself let us be patient and cautious that no more Jedi deflect or are caught in action." A fresh face also sat among them in the Jedi Council; he had a brown beard and brown long hair that was slowly graying brown Jedi robes and held a staff in his hand and had classes on his face. Master Jij said to him "Hmmm thoughts on this you have Master Marcus?" Master Marcus Moreau as he was known nodded and said "A back up plan should be established if the Mandalorians do not agree to a cease fire and the Federation does not win the war to protect the Jedi."

Andre Dawnbreaker, who looked like a young man now entered the chambers and bowed then said "Masters I have returned from my mission on Ryloth the Hutts are blocking any route heading towards Tatooine or Hutt Space. Naboo is the only way to travel safely from Ryloth many of the locals suggest an invasion is imminent." Alvin Merlin turned to Andre then said "You've done well Andre I believe that it is a normal worry to have with the ongoing war with the Mandalorians." Jij studied Andre and asked 'Bother you something does hmmm?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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Star Wars Evolved Volume 3: The Fifth Jedi SchismWhere stories live. Discover now