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12 Years Earlier | Malfoy Manor
Lorenzo Berkshire

"Mummsy?" I sniffed, my eyelashes hitting cold and wet against my skin as I walked through the dark hall of the manor. "Mummsy?"

A door at the end of the hall creaked open, the light of a lamp flooding the walkway, Mummsy stepping out and rubbing her eyes with a yawn. "C'mon, Enzo, let's get you back to bed."

I slipped my hand into hers as she walked us back down the hall to my bedroom, tugging the elephant stuffed animal by the arm on my other side with my free hand.

She kneeled down by the bed as I climbed back in and wiped the tears from my cheeks. "What's wrong?"

I pulled the blue train bedsheets over my arms and took a small hiccuping breath. "I had a bad dream," I whispered, tucking the elephant in bed beside me.

"I'm sorry, honey. Do you want to tell me about it?" She placed a kiss on my forehead and tucked the blankets into my side gently.

I shook my head, holding my stuffed animal closer to me and playing absently with the string coming loose on the side of it.

"Okay." She nodded quietly, brushing my hair back from my eyes. "You need a haircut." She tutted, smiling when I scrunched my face at her. "Go to sleep, okay?"

"Okay, mummsy," I mumbled tiredly, squirming further down into my blankets and leaning towards her slightly. "Are you going back to sleep?"

"I'll stay until you fall asleep and I'll be awake before you in the morning." Mummsy swept my hair back again as my eyelids fluttered closed.

"I want pancakes."

"Go to sleep, Enzo."


September 22nd, 1997
9:00 pm | Tatum Vaughneton

Lucille, Onyx, Daphne, Pansy, and I had all decided to go out for dinner together. Share the new gossip, drink butterbeer, smoke, gawk at each other's romantic lives, make up new code names for crushes, all the good girly stuff.

Lucille groaned as she stretched her arms out in the booth, sinking down further into her seat in the process.

Everyone knew she would be the first to leave to go to bed. She's the only one with a semi-normal sleep schedule.

Pansy is usually the second one to leave to go to bed. Except she's "leaving to go to bed", meaning she's not going to bed whereas Lucille's actually tired and not about to go fuck somebody.

Onyx doesn't hide what she's actually doing with any of the "I'm tired" bullshit as she calls it. She usually leaves at different times when we go out, saying she has to go talk to someone. The only reason she even attempts to disguise her intention that much is because there are strangers around who don't need to know her business.

Daphne usually leaves with me, walking back to the castle to make sure everyone gets back safely.

And it certainly wouldn't be girls' night if one of us wasn't mad at our ex or in a fight with whoever we're dating.

This time was Onyx's moment to shine and complain about Blaise who apparently hadn't had time for her after he asked her out over summer and they hadn't gone out since.

"All he wants to do is fuck. And that's fine, I mean, I would want me if I were him too. But it's constant. He barely talks to me unless he wants something. It's like we're Draco and Lucille." She mixed around her drink with the bendy straw she took from the kid's menu at the empty table beside us and blinked with heavy eyes.

Midnight Rain - L.B.Where stories live. Discover now