Chapter 30: Its Over

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Blaze once again was in her Garden where she came for peace, and comfort especially during a hard time. It's now been a week since the duals and most of the mess involving the event has died down. Her rest has been all over the place as she struggled to sleep. Her body was still healing and was exhausted from the fight as well. 

She sat on the bench with her hands in her lap. She was stiff as her mind wondered over the events of the battles. She remembered the adrenaline she felt and the drastic changes that were made midway through the fight. Then things started getting out of hand so she had to...

"Stop. You had to do it. There was no other option." Blaze spoke lowly  to reassure herself.
After she said this her mind continued to wonder on how all of her friends had to go home feeling so unhappy because of what she had to do.

"It was all my fault.." Blaze whispers.


"Oh!" Blaze jumped from someone tapping her shoulder. She looked over to see that it was Denver, Perci's girlfriend.

"I'm sorry Denver, I didn't see you there."

"No problem. Look, I know your friends are gone but, I am here for you." She smiled sweetly.

"Thank you." Blaze returned the smile.

Denver shook her head as she continued to smile.
"No, thank you! I'm sorry about your situation and what you had to go through b-but you saved my life haven't even met me!" Denver exclaimed as she expressed her gratefulness. "Things are tough now, but it's going to be okay.."
She finished.
Blaze nodded as she looked at the ground and sighed.
Her friends had to leave since they overstayed their time to begin with. Well most of them. While one still stuck around the others had to prepare for their schools, duties, and their lives in general.

Blaze looked to her right at Denver. "Are you excited to finally  go on public date with Perci?" She changed the subject.

"Oh..uh yeah." She laughed nervously. "I'm still nervous on learning the royal ways though."

"I can  help you out when I can. Other than I, Marine will help you was well." Blaze smiled tiredly.

There was a moment of silence as Denver leaned back on the bench. "Soo if Shadow was so evil and mean, why was he seen so highly to everyone?"  She asked suddenly.

Blaze huffed as she smiled at Denver's cluelessness. She also wanted to stray from the topic. "Denver he wasn't evil at all.."

"I'm not fucking dead."

Blaze quickly wiped her head around to the sound of her significant other , and there he was.
Shadow was shirtless with many bandages covering his torso. On each side of him were Sonic on the left and Perci on his right. Shadow had his arms around both of their necks as they held him up.

Blaze walked over carefully as she approached the boys. "I" Were the only words she could utter out. Shadow stared coldly at Blaze silently. Now feeling even more ashamed Blaze lower her head and looked at the ground.

"When I finish healing I want a rematch."

Blaze looks up surprised from the ridiculous request. "Excuse me? What?" She looked at Shadow squinting her eyes.

"I didn't stutter." He smirked down at the princess.

Seeing his smirk made Blaze do the same. "Oh please, I refuse such a request." She folded her arms.

"I don't care-uggh." Shadow hunched over from the sharp pain he felt throughout his stomach.

Blaze smirked quickly went away as she watched Perci speak to Sonic " Let's take him to his room for some rest!" He laughed nervously.

"Rest!?" Shadow growled. "NO unhand me!" He lightly squirmed.
Sonic carefully tugged on him as he narrowed  his eyes. "Shadz, stop being stupid."

Seeing that Shadow was alright and still kicking, Blaze let a giggle followed by a sigh of relief as he was being dragged away.


Shadow layed in his bed with his eyes closed angrily. Definitely did not want to rest when he could be spending time with Blaze.
Almost on cue Blaze enters his room and closes the door behind her just as it was before.
"Took you long enough." Shadow opened his eyes and scoffed. 
Blaze approached Shadow's side  "May I?" She gestures to his bed.

"You may."

She then crawled into his bed. Blaze latched on to Shadow's chest in a large yet gentle hug. There was a moment of silence as she burrowed her face down in his chest fur.

When she did this Shadow sucked his teeth in from the pain, but before Blaze could contest her actions he spoke.

"It's fine! It's fine...."  Shadow says quickly. 
This pain seemed absolutely worth it for this moment. It wasn't THAT bad for him after all. He IS the Ultimate Lifeform, so he can take it fine.

Blaze nodded silently.

When Blaze got settled Shadow smirked down as his face turned as red as his eyes. "Again.." he plays off his fluster. "I'm not dead,princess. Don't cry over me."
Blaze didn't move her head away but turned it to the side so that she would speak clearly. "I-I'm not c-crying!..." Blaze let a couple sniffles slip out. "I thought you'd never wake up. The entirety of Sol and Darkmire thinks you're dead.  Our friends believe you're going to stuck in a coma for the rest of our lives.." Blaze exclaimed.

Shadow nodded as he played with Blaze's hair. "I can live with that.." He smirked.
Blaze lifted  her head up revealed a shade of pink on her face. She glared at Shadow from his comment.
"Thanks by the way.." He moved his hand under her chin to hold up Blaze's head. "You broke the other chip right?" Shadow asked softly.

"Yes I did." Blaze nodded in awe from the sudden change in his tone.
Shadow scoffed softly as he shook his head. " Such a cheap shot...where did you find it?"

"I'll fill you in on that info later..mmm" Blaze  sighs tiredly as she nuzzles her face into his chest fur.

Shadow pauses as he noticed Blaze's  hum turn into a purr. He's now aware that she is tired, and to be honest he is too. But as far as he know he's been in a coma for a week. He doesn't know the situation or what new problems they're gonna have to face together.

" and I okay?" Shadow asks lowly glancing down to Blaze.

"Well..." Blaze thought. " Since you are blood of the Queen of Darkmire -technically you're a prince..." She says nonchalantly.

Shadow stopped messing with Blaze's hair and stared across the room. That was unexpected from him. "Seriously?" He asked  letting out a loud and dramatic yawn.

Blaze nodded into his chest. "Indeed, as long as I..uh marry you..." she trailed drifting to a sleep.

"Then we'll be alright?" Shadow asked as he sunk deeper into his bed. Though he was tired as well his face was still bright read at the thought of marrying Blaze.

"Yes.." Blaze whispered. The information sounded different in her head. She really hasn't spoke the words herself of marrying Shadow..

As her warm face heated in Shadows chest he began to close his eyes. "That's all I care about right now...we're gonna be okay." He mumbles as he hugs her tight.

The end?
Hmmm I don't know.

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