Shadows of Uncertainty

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As four weeks slipped by since Kai's departure to London, a growing sense of unease settled over Sora like a heavy fog, clouding his thoughts and casting a shadow over his usually cheerful demeanor. In the cozy living room of their spacious mansion, Sora found himself seated beside his mother, Shibuki, their surroundings bathed in the soft glow of the afternoon sun streaming in through the windows. He idly flipped through the manga volumes gifted by Zedd, his mind preoccupied with worry, while the distant sound of his siblings' activities drifted down the hallway from their respective rooms, where they were engrossed in creating content for their ever-expanding social media following.

"Sora, why don't you go upstairs and work on your social media content? How about showing me your new cosplay idea?" Shibuki's gentle voice broke through the quiet of the room, her warm smile attempting to coax him out of his contemplative reverie.

"Nah, mother, it's fine. I'll do it tomorrow. For now, I'd rather just sit here with you than spend my whole life behind screens," Sora replied softly, his gaze meeting his mother's with a small, grateful smile.

Though he tried to appear nonchalant, Sora's heart raced with anticipation as he grappled with the question that had been weighing heavily on his mind for weeks. Was now the right time to broach the subject of his father's wellbeing? Would his mother be able to handle the truth, or would it only add to her burden?

"Mother, may I ask you a question?" Sora's voice wavered slightly with nervousness, his eyes searching Shibuki's face for any sign of hesitation.

"Of course, my love! You can ask me anything," Shibuki replied with a warm smile, setting her phone aside to give her full attention to her son.

Summoning his courage, Sora plunged headlong into his inquiry, his voice tinged with a mixture of apprehension and fear.

"How is father doing? It's been one week more than what was promised. Is he okay?" The words spilled from Sora's lips in a rush, his heart pounding in his chest as he awaited his mother's response.

Shibuki's breath caught in her throat at her son's unexpected question, her own fears mirrored in his anxious expression. She had hoped to shield him from the harsh realities of their situation, to spare him the burden of worry that weighed heavily on her own heart. But now, faced with his earnest inquiry, she found herself at a loss for words, her carefully constructed façade crumbling in the face of his unwavering concern.

Tears welled in Shibuki's eyes as she struggled to compose herself, to find the strength to answer her son's question. How could she possibly tell him the truth, to admit that their father's absence had stretched on longer than expected, casting a shadow of uncertainty over their lives?

"Mother, tell me what's the matter?" Sora's voice was filled with genuine concern as he reached out to comfort her, his own fears mounting with each passing moment of silence.

In that moment, Shibuki knew she could no longer shield her son from the truth, no matter how painful it might be. Gathering her courage, she drew in a shuddering breath and prepared herself to share the heartbreaking news that would irrevocably alter their lives forever.

"Sora, regarding your father, I have good and bad news. Let's start with the bad news," Shibuki began, her voice trembling slightly as she struggled to find the right words. "Unfortunately, your father has been in a car accident, and he is hospitalized, yet unconscious."

Sora's heart plummeted at his mother's words, a cold wave of fear washing over him as he struggled to comprehend the magnitude of what she was saying. The room seemed to spin around him, and he fought to keep his emotions in check, to remain strong for his mother in her moment of need.

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