The dream?

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Running. She was running away. From what? She didn't know. All she remembered was being in the car with her mom and it suddenly crashing. Then her mom telling her to run and not look back.

And she did...for about a minute until she just had to look. What she saw, she was sure to have it engraved in her head forever. Her mother in a burning car being eaten by some giant like creature.

Aurora didn't know what to do, she was frozen in place. She kept standing there for what felt like hours just watching the monster as he ate her mom. What broke her out of her trance was when the monster turned to her and started running towards her.

So, for once in her life Aurora finally did what she was told and ran. She ran like her life depended on it, and it did. She knew that if the monster caught up to her the same fate that her mom fell to would happen to her.

She couldn't let that happen, she had never done anything, she hadn't lived yet. She wasn't about to die.

Her fear increased when she felt the footsteps getting closer. She didn't know what to do, so she ran harder, and she ran faster. She didn't stop until she found a ditch where she could hide in.

She hid in that ditch until nightfall, even when she was sure the monster was gone she kept hiding there. Barely moving and barely breathing. Aurora stayed there the entire night only sleeping for about an hour until she felt the suns warmth and light on her.

She got up from the ditch and she realized, she had no idea where she was. She had no idea on how to get back to her mom, or what was left of her anyway.

She wandered around in the way she ran away from for hours searching for a sign of the car. Not finding anything she collapsed on the ground in exhaustion. She sat there wondering what did to deserve this. She didn't cry at all that whole time, she felt numb. Not exactly grasping the severity of what happened to her and what she would do with her life now.

She felt a thump around her and then...

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Aurora sat up right away, she was shaking and breathing so hard she felt like she wasn't breathing. She looked around and saw her cat right in her face. She was confused for a moment until she looked around farther and saw she was in her room.

Her room, not some ditch or the side of the some random ass road. She was safe in her own house, in her own room with her pet cat, storm.

With this new information her breathing started to slow and the shaking eventually stopped. She looked at the time, only 5:30. She had about an hour until her mom got home. Her mom oh my god. Her mind circled back to the nightmare she had.

She couldn't stop thinking about what she saw, how brutally that giant ate her. And she just stood there, not doing anything. She felt her breathing speed up and the tears start to come back. She didn't know how to stop it this time.

She felt helpless, she couldn't do anything about this like she couldn't do anything about her mom. No, she could've done something to save her mom, but she was a coward and just stood there in fear.

She tried to do what she did earlier and ground herself. Think about how that was just a dream and didn't happens and would never happen. I mean it was crazy, a giant wouldn't eat her mom because they aren't real.

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