"What he then stumbled upon was like a scene straight out of a horror movie..."

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David had always admired his boyfriend's resilience and dedication. As a quiet, modest young man who worked diligently as a barista at "Cup 'O' Cat," Exer seemed to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders; David had been extremely proud of how far his boyfriend had come—it wasn't until David spotted Exer in the alleyway opposite the café after his work shift that David's perception of him had shattered irreparably.

Exer had been acting strangely suspicious for the past several weeks, so David's curiosity got the best of him, and he followed Exer into the alley opposite the café, where shadows danced like spectres in the dim light. What he then stumbled upon was like a scene straight out of a horror movie—Exer stood over a lifeless body, his hands stained with blood as he wield a knife that gleamed in the moonlight.

As David's eyes widened in shock, recognition dawned—the man on the ground was his own father, the source of so much pain and trauma in David's life. Anguish and disbelief warred within him as he witnessed Exer, the boy he loved, commit an unthinkable act.

With his heart pounding in his chest, David was torn between horror and a strange sense of relief—relief that his father, a horrible, controlling, insufferable man whose presence cast a shadow over David's entire existence, would never be able to hurt him again, but the realisation that Exer, the number one person he trusted with his entire life, was capable of such an act left David reeling.

As Exer turned to face him, his eyes glowing a neon green colour and the knife in his hand held in a steady grip, a shiver ran down David's spine. The loving, gentle, and caring boy David once thought that he knew now wore a mask of cold determination, his eyes locking onto David with a chilling intensity.

Exer then slowly walked up to David, and David stood still in a state of panic. As Exer advanced the blade of the knife ominously close to David's throat, David's body trembled as fear flooded through him. The alleyway seemed to shrink around them, the world narrowing down to the cruel reality of a betrayal that cut deeper than any blade.

In that moment of cruel clarity, David saw the fractures in Exer's façade, the cracks in his mask of strength and stoicism. The boy before him was no longer the protector he believed him to be but a harbinger of darkness, a violent force that had shattered the fragile peace of David's world.

Tears welled in David's eyes as he struggled to make sense of the chaos unfolding around him. The café where he and Exer shared stolen moments of solace now felt tainted, a stage for the unveiling of a truth too painful to bear.

"I did this for you, my love—I love you, I truly do." He spoke; his words hung heavy in the muffled silence of the alley, a stark reminder of the twisted love that had led them to this moment of reckoning. David's breath came in ragged gasps, his mind a whirlwind of emotions as he faced the cold edge of the knife against his skin.

As Exer's voice echoed all throughout the noiselessness alleyway, a plea laced with madness and desperation, David found a flicker of defiance amidst the fear that threatened to consume him—he refused to let this act of violence define their shared history, reducing their love to a shattered illusion.

With a trembling voice, David whispered, "This isn't love, Exer, this is madness!"

For a quick moment, the façade crumbled, and David saw a flicker of remorse in Exer's bright, neon green eyes, a shard of humanity amidst the darkness. But the reality of their shattered bond loomed large—a gulf too wide to bridge, a wound too deep to heal.

In the stillness of that fateful night, with the weight of betrayal heavy in the air, David mentally prepared himself for the inevitable conclusion. The blade against his throat was a sheer reminder of the chasm that now yawned between them, a testament to the fragility of trust and the destructive power of love gone awry.

As Exer's grip tightened, and his voice trembled with a twisted sense of devotion, David closed his eyes, his heart heavy with the burden of a love that had turned to ash in the crucible of brutality.

And in that moment of profound despair, with the knife poised to write the final chapter of their shared tragedy two souls stood at the crossroads of their destinies, forever altered by the darkness that had consumed them both.

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