"Was it all just a dream...?"

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David woke up in a cold sweat, his heart pounding in his chest as he tried to catch his breath. The blurry remnants of what he could tell, whether it was a nightmare or not, clung to his mind like a lingering fog, leaving him disoriented and shaken. The image of his father's lifeless body flashed before his eyes, and with a jolt, he sat up in bed, his thoughts racing with confusion and fear.

"Was it real?" David wondered, the memory of Exer standing over his father holding a blood-stained knife that glistened in the moonlight playing in his mind. He tried to push the chilling thoughts away, hoping it was just a figment of his imagination. But the vivid details and the raw emotions felt all too real.

A soft knock on the door interrupted his tumultuous thoughts, followed by his mom's gentle voice: "David, are you awake, honey?" Christine's concern was palpable in her tone, but David hesitated, unsure of how to face her after what he believed he had witnessed.

As David struggled to collect his thoughts, a louder knock at his bedroom door made him jump, his heart skipping a beat. A cold shiver ran down his spine, and with a trembling voice, he managed to call out, "Come in!"

The door creaked open, revealing Exer standing in the doorway, his normally warm and soothing presence tinged with concern.  The air between them was filled with unspoken statements and lingering doubts. David tried to compose himself, forcing a smile as if everything were normal, but Exer could see through the façade.

"You okay, man?" Exer asked softly, his eyes searching David's face for any sign of distress. David averted his gaze, the weight of guilt and uncertainty heavy on his shoulders.

"Yeah, I'm fine," David replied, his voice strained with forced cheerfulness. He avoided mentioning the night's events, the truth lingering like a shadow between them.

Exer took a step closer, his expression filled with empathy and understanding. "You don't have to lie to me, Day," Exer replied softly but firmly as he kneeled down next to David's bed. "I can tell when something's bothering you." Exer reached out his hand, gently grasping David's trembling fingers in a silent gesture of comfort and solidarity.

David felt a lump form in his throat, the words he longed to say caught in a web of fear and doubt. He wanted to trust Exer, to believe in his innocence, but the memory of what he thought he had seen kept clawing at the edges of his mind.

"I... I don't know what to believe, Exer," David finally admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. The confession hung in the air between them, heavy with unspoken truths and unanswered questions.

Exer's expression softened, and his eyes filled with a mix of sadness and determination. "David, whatever it is that's troubling you, we'll face it together," Exer reassured him, his voice unwavering in its support. "I love you, and I would do absolutely anything to protect you."

David wanted to believe Exer's words and find solace in his unwavering loyalty and love. But the doubts still lingered, gnawing at his resolve and clouding his judgement.

As the silence stretched between them, David's mind churned with conflicting emotions and swirling uncertainties. Could he trust his own memories? Was it possible that he had imagined the whole ordeal in a state of half-consciousness? And if so, what did that say about his own sanity?

Exer gently squeezed David's hand, the gesture offering a sense of comfort and reassurance. "I'm here for you, Day," Exer said softly, his eyes locked on David's. "No matter what you're going through, you're not alone—I'm always here by your side."

David looked deeply into Exer's eyes, searching for the truth and finding a glimmer of hope in the depths of his gaze. With a shaky breath, David made a silent vow to confront his fears and uncertainties, to unravel the mysteries that plagued his mind.

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