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Johnnie Guilbert, y/n l/n, Jake Webber, and Tarayummy are all sitting together in front of their webcams, ready to start their live stream.  "Hey everyone! Welcome to our live stream tonight. We've got a fun night planned with our friends Jake, Tara, and y/n. We're going to do some makeup and have a great time together. So, Im doing Tara's makeup and y/n is doing Jake's!" says Johnnie introducing the live stream.

y/n starts doing Jake's makeup while Johnnie does Tara's makeup. They chat and joke around with each other while applying makeup.

"Okay, Jake, I think this eyeshadow color suits you. What do you think?"

"Wow, y/n, you're a natural at this! It looks amazing," he says grabbing the handheld mirror and checking himself out

Tara scoffed "Okay showoffs', me and Johnnie are going to win no doubt!" 

"Oh, there's doubt," Johnnie says as he applies Tara's lipstick, they laugh and continually joke around and make fun of each other work. As they are doing makeup, Johnnie and y/n flirt playfully with each other, making their viewers giggle and cheer them on.

Viewer 1: "I ship Johnnie and y/n! They make such a cute couple!"
Viewer 2: "Joh-y/n"
Viewer 3: Y'all can't let people be friends anymore it's so fucking sad
Viewer 4: Y/n is so fucking annoying she is more annoying than Tara... Fucking pick me...
Viewer 5: Will we ever get an update y/n?
Viewer 7: Johnnie do an update on Ruby Franke!!!
Viewer 8: Y/n go kys please and back off of Johnnie.

Y/n saw the comments, but she blocked them out of her head she was with the people she loved most and nobody could take that from her.  Johnnie and y/n's flirting becomes more intense as y/n does Jake's makeup and Johnnie does Tara's. There's a playful tension between them that is palpable to their viewers.

Eventually, the livestream ends and they all decide to order In-N-Out. Jake and Tara retreat to Jake's room while Johnnie and y/n head to Johnnie's room. Once they're alone, Johnnie takes a deep breath and looks y/n in the eyes. "I have something to tell you," he says nervously.

Y/n raises an eyebrow, curious. "What is it?"

"I really like you, y/n. I've been wanting to tell you for a while now," Johnnie admits, his heart racing. Y/n's cheeks turn pink as she smiles. "I like you too, Johnnie."

Before she can say anything else, Johnnie leans in and captures her lips in a passionate kiss. The electricity between them is undeniable as they explore each other's mouths. When Johnnie starts to move his hands towards Y/n's waist, she gently pulls away. "I'm not ready for that, Johnnie," she says softly.

Johnnie respects her boundaries and nods. "I understand. Let's just take it slow."

They change into their pajamas and settle in to watch an indie movie, "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," one of Johnnie's favorites. As they watch the film, they share a blanket and find comfort in each other's presence.

Once the movie ends, they turn off the TV and snuggle into bed. Johnnie wraps his arms around y/n and they drift off to sleep, content in each other's company.

A/N: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO this is cringe asfffffff!!!!! CHILD BYE-Word Count: 540

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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