PAP presentation

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Well, time passes quickly and Joana is already in the last year of her professional course and as is usual in a professional course, 12th year students have to do a final project called PAP (Professional Aptitude Test).

All the students had wonderful ideas, but Joana wanted to do something different because her colleagues had ideas for basic things and also some games, so Joana thought of doing something that really fascinated her in classes throughout the year, which was the most electric scene. .

Her idea was very well received by her teacher who helped her a lot in building her project. Joana only practically did the theoretical part because the teacher helped her do the practical part.

Her project was to make the flag of Portugal 🇵🇹 in 3D (because she always dreamed of being a graphic designer, whether 3D or not and this professional course was just the beginning) that was the most beautiful and creative thing that Joana thought of, which is why on the day of the presentation she was very nervous but she managed to present and the teachers who were evaluating her presentation really liked it, they praised it, they also said some points in which Joana could improve her presentation and even so Joana got 15/20 in her grade and this meant that Joana had successfully completed the course.

With the PAP grade and also the internship grade Joana completed the course, the course average was reasonable and she was able to complete the course successfully.

As soon as Joana finished her professional course she got a job thanks to the knowledge of the company for which she did an internship in the last two years of the professional course, the company where she interned was very complimentary of the work performed by Joana but unfortunately they no longer accepted no one else because the places were already full.

The company that employed Joana also praised her a lot because they were already looking for talented people and Joana had the perfect profile for the job and thus Joana fulfilled her biggest dream of being a graphic designer and she has already done many big projects for a lot of people and also helped a lot of companies with their logos.

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