The Return

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Wednesday's POV

My family's car pulls into Nevermore's lot. I have dreaded this day. Not just because it's school but because I'm surrounded by people who lack intelligence.

Lurch parks the car and unloads my bags. I help him carry my stuff to my dorm room where I am greeted by the colorful lights from Enid's side. I'm shocked Enid isn't here yet. Typically she would be here by now considering it's already 1pm.

My father gives me a hug as I just stand there and Pugsly does the same. My mother however does the air hug since she does respect my boundary. My family doesn't know about the hug between me and Enid and I fully intend to keep it that way.

My family leave and I'm left in the dorm by myself. I unpack my cello and typewriter first since those are my prized possessions. I start to put my clothes away and while I'm in the closet I hear the dorm room open. I walk out of the closet and see Enid dragging her luggage in. You could've sworn she went on a 6 month vacation with how much she packed.

"HEY WEDNESDAY!" Enid yells excitedly.

"Hello Sinclair." I respond back in my deadpan voice.

"I texted you over break, you never responded." Enid says a little sad

"Were you expecting me to?" I questioned

"I mean, kinda, but that's okay! I totally understand your whole not wanting to be a slave to technology." She says

"I'm going to finish unpacking." I say to the wolf as I turn around to head back to the closet.

I get inside of the closet and not even a minute later I hear Enid's awful music playing. I miss the peace and quiet that I had at home.

"Turn that off." I say from the closet.

"It helps me stay on track and get things done!" Enid says from her side of the dorm.

I guess if she'll get done faster than I'll allow it. I need to finish up so I can get my writing time in for the day. I wrote a lot over break since I had the peace and quiet in my bedroom.

Enid's POV

I have my music playing even though Wednesday told me to shut it off. I'm surprised she didn't come out here and turn it off herself. Maybe she got nicer over break....JK she'll never be that nice.

I was halfway done when I got a text from Ajax. He's been acting strange but I'm sure it's nothing.

"OMG!!! YES!!" I screamed

Wednesday walked out of the closet to see what I was screaming about.

"No need to be that obnoxious Enid." She says to me

"Sorry Wens! Ajax just asked me out on a date!" I say excitedly.

"Okay." She says as she goes towards her typewriter.

I better finish unpacking so I can meet Ajax in a few hours.

It only took me another hour to unpack since I'm super excited about my date with Ajax. I can't believe he finally asked!

I changed into different clothes and I turn to Wednesday.

"Is this too much?" I ask

Wednesday looks at me for a few seconds before answering.

"I feel like you just napalmed me." She says before turning back around.

"Wish me luck!" I say as I grab my phone and key to the dorm.

"If he breaks your heart, he'll get a nail through his." Wednesday says still typing.

I hope he doesn't break my heart, but things happen.

A Raven and Her Wolf(WENCLAIR FANFIC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin