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Ttttt! Ttttt! Ttttt! Alarms started buzzing.... It seems each one of them has set an alarm to wake up early in the morning. Which in turn made their morning a worse thing.

"Aww! My ears!" exclaimed Venkat.

"Hey why do you set an alarm? I told you I will set one," exclaimed Priya with blurred vision simultaneously searching for her specs. Soon she realized that she was actually shouting at Mathew who was still asleep. She remembered that, last night Mathew went asleep before everyone else and so Venkat took the upper bed, Priya and Victoria took the other side.

"I don't remember you said one before, did you?" said Venkat. Priya was staring at Venkat with an irritated face and was frustrated, for making the morning an awful one. A sound interfered with their negotiation. "Arf, Arf, Arf, Arf!" It's like a ferocious hound inside their room, eagerly waiting to hunt a prey, as if it hadn't ate for ages. Hearing that terrible sound made both their voice shut, none opened their eyes, they stood still like a statue.

This is what Isabella meant yesterday, If one gets late to the game, they will become prey to this ferocious hound... How can they do this? This is my fault I shouldn't have come here. No! It's all my father's Idea, what bad I did to you dad, why did you put me in a situation like this? Listening to your words is going to take my life forever. (Priya thought to herself)

"Arf, Arf !" the noise became louder and louder... The dog's anger grew continuously, but none had a clue about the dog's appearance, how it came? Where was it all day?.... Inside a dark room with a ferocious dog barking, this hearts made their hearts froze, sweat filled all over their bodies....

What the heck is happening here? Can anyone let a dog inside the rooms of the participants? What the hell are they thinking about? Letting everyone die like this? ( thought Venkat)

The lights were turned on and to their shock there was no dog inside the room. Yes! there wasn't one. Both were searching for a ferocious dog down the floor, but all in vain.

"Good morning! Guys, wake up soon?!"

"Victoria! Didn't you hear the dog's sound? Where is it?" questioned Priya.

"Yes, did you hear it?" joined Venkat.

"Dog?!" said Victoria with a puzzled face. 

"Yes, yes the dog which was inside the room just before the lights were turned on" said Venkat.

"See, there is no dog inside this room"

"But.. there was one... here... it's gone..."

"I am really sorry"

"For what?!" said Priya.

"That's my alarm sound which made you both scared"

"What?!" said both looking each other with a shock. Victoria played the alarm sound in front of them, only then they felt relaxed.

"You are definitely a weirdo!" said Venkat.

"Yes, who is going to have an alarm like you, you're actually a strange girl, I'm begging you please change your alarm tone RIGHT NOW!" ordered Priya.

"Okay Okay! Just chill. Let me change it right away" she changed it to a bird's sound. "Feel better?"

"Much more" said Venkat.

"Seems your boyfriend is more afraid to animals" (Victoria started kidding)

"Hey! Everyone used to be scared when they were caught by an animal, right? you should have heard the sound, it made me stand still, I can't feel my body you know?"

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