pt.4 {Jisung/Seungmin time! #1}

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TW: murder, mentions of abuse

Jisung grew up in an odd environment. It wasn't a place that anyone would call home... In fact, it felt like hell. Hours and hours of torture beyond belief. It wasn't a home. His parents didn't have a home. From the moment he could walk he was taught horrible things. He was being trained for something. Many kids were being trained for the same thing. Seungmin was also there, that's how they became friends. They were originally supposed to fight, but Seungmin couldn't bring himself to hurt the innocent looking boy. Jisung was also scared, but he didn't want to be punished by his parents.

Jisung was shown that he should be violent for the ones he loved. Seungmin was shown he should protect the ones he loved regardless of the cost. Growing up with Seungmin was the best thing Jisung could have asked for. He helped keep Jisung just a little bit sane. Around the time they were supposed to fight, Seungmin found something. The thing is, he was still so young, about 6 when he found it. He didn't understand what MAFIA meant or what DANGEROUS PROJECTS were. He never mentioned it. He walked to the arena where he spotted Jisung being lectured. Mr. Han had been screaming at Jisung.

The quokka-like boy looked at Seungmin with tears streaming down his face. He didn't want to hurt the younger male, but he had no choice. He cleared his mind and looked at Seungmin with an apologetic face before he ran at him. Seungmin moved to the side and watched Jisung fall. He quickly helped the older man up. Jisung felt horrible for what he was about to do to the sweet boy. Jisung took out the butterfly knife his dad slid into his pocket and stabbed the younger in the arm. He shook as he felt blood trickle onto his hand.

The puppy-like boy tried so hard to not react to the pain, but it felt like there was acid being put into the wound. Jisung felt the acid mix into the blood. He panicked. He took the knife out of Seungmin's arm and looked at his dad with pure hatred. Before he did anything, he cut off a piece of his shirt and tightly wrapped it around Seungmin's arm. Taking the same butterfly knife that was once in Seungmin's arm, he lunged at his dad. He got a few stabs into the man's neck and chest before he was pulled off. Seungmin pulled him off. He held Jisung who was sobbing and held him tightly.

"I-I am so sorry for stabbing you puppy."

"Puppy? What? I mean, it's fine, but why 'puppy?'"

"You l-look like a cute puppy... Plus, I don't know your name."

"I'm Seungmin, what's your name quokka?"

"Quokka? Okay... Well, I'm Jisung. I'm sorry, I didn't know he put acid on the knife..."

"That's alright, you should probably get rid of the other witnesses though. They might tell... him..."

"Okay!" It took one word from his new found friend and he was on a killing spree. The room they were in had no cameras. There wasn't any evidence that Jisung had murdered 30 people total because someone told him to. Everyone just knew. That was exactly what he wanted. He wanted his 'PROJECTS' to be able to kill with no remorse. Seungmin stopped Jisung the second he was about to kill a kid.

"Jisung." Seungmin grabbed Jisungs hand and looked at the scared boy. The quokka-like boy looked at his friend, then at the boy he was about to stab. There were three more kids who looked scared, but thankful. All of the parents were equally horrible and abusive. Jisung's spree just helped five boys, including him and Seungmin. Jisung smiled at the other boys. It was a scary smile. They returned that same smile.

"Well, what's your name?" Seungmin asked the first boy.

"Yeonjun! You're Seungmin and Jisung correct?" Yeonjun asked as he wrapped an arm around Jisung. Seungmin nodded and looked at the other two boys.

"Who are you guys?" Jisung asked as he threw his knife into a corpse.

"I'm Chenle, this is Heeseung. We met yesterday and we've been inseparable since!" Chenle smiled as he threw his hands in the air. Jisung nodded and smiled. The 5 of them sat in the blood filled room for hours talking about nothing important until Seungmin spoke up. Yeonjun was the oldest of them, from what they knew. He was 1 year older than Seungmin and Jisung. Chenle and Heeseung were 1 year younger than them.

"Oh, by the way, I found something earlier." Seungmin smiled as he pulled out a folded piece of paper from his pocket.

"What is that?" Jisung asked as he patched Seungmin's arm with some gauze he found in a lady's purse.

"I don't know, well, I kind of know?" Seungmin handed the paper to Yeonjun. The eldest read it and felt confused. What did the paper mean? They were never actually taught anything besides how to handle pain and fight, so the words on the paper hurt everyone's head besides Seungmin. It seemed he was the most educated in the group...

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