The Prologue

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Based on the old concept&ideas of the series I decided to create this fanfic. While the show has many writing problems, it possesses a wonderful idea and potential. Therefore, I aimed to give this fictional universe and story a new perspective and a darker, more serious tone, but still some episodes can be lighter. The characters are older, and the narrative focuses on advanced battle descriptions, along with character development and learning from their mistakes. In this story, there is no Adrien; Félix Sphinx and Marinette Dupain-Cheng are the main characters.
The fanfic also includes the author's personal stylistic decisions and ideas, such as placing the characters in a high school instead of a junior high school, as well as changing Rose's name to Odette, leaving the name "Chloe" instead of Allegra/other names pre-canon Chloé has, and setting the story in the 2000s with other changes. The fanfiction contains original characters. Warning: the Ladybug eras were mixed up in this fanfic, so the pre-3d Chloe will be Melodie instead of the bee. (I don't like the concept of all animal superheroes)

Some of the characters from the canon series such as Lila were included in the rewrite. Get ready to embark on an adventure where every twist and turn leaves you craving more!

Feel free to share your criticism and thoughts, in the comments ♡


The grandfather said to the little girl, "My granddaughter, in all of us exist two dragons who are fighting. One is the dragon of Misfortune. It embodies anger, jealousy, fear, and lies. The other is the dragon of Happiness. It embodies love, joy, hope, and truth."

The little girl pondered and asked, "Grandfather, which dragon wins?"

The grandfather responded quietly, "The one you feed."

- A Chinese legend

Everything in the world is connected, and each thing is special and unique. The world has shown us many times various coincidences, lucky twists of fate, and unfortunate events. Without Yin, there is no Yang: there's no happiness without sadness, and there is no success without failure. The world is divided into opposites, where each thing complements the other and cannot be separated from it.

Five thousand years ago, near Shanghai, magical jewelry called "miraculouses" was discovered. Nobody knows exactly how they were created. Some say a gifted Chinese sorcerer helped the kwamis interact with humans by creating magical jewels for good purposes. Kwamis are mystical beings that have existed since the beginning of the universe. Abstract creatures, each kwami is formed whenever a new idea, concept, or emotion comes into existence in the universe, such as creation, love, or beauty. When a magician facilitated communication between kwamis and humans, kwamis could grant their owners marvelous powers through the miraculouses.

Two miraculouses stand above the rest in power: the Ladybug Miraculous, embodying creation and luck through the first kwami, Tikki, and the Black Cat Miraculous, embodying destruction and misfortune through Plagg. Legend says that when these two miraculouses are worn together, their user will gain absolute power, capable of fulfilling their deepest wish and attaining ultimate strength, akin to a god.

At some point, all knowledge about the Miraculouses and their powers was encoded in a book known as the Grimoire, understood by only a few. Miracle Boxes were also created to store the dormant miraculouses.

Miraculous: Quantic teens S1 (MLB rewrite/au)Where stories live. Discover now