Chapter 3: Rat Devil

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In the heart of the bustling arena, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation as the crowd, adorned with intricate infinity symbols and dark markings, erupted into a symphony of cheers. Harley Blade and Rat Devil, two formidable contenders, stood poised for battle, their presence commanding the attention of all who bore witness.

"Harleeey Blade!" The narrator's voice boomed, infused with fervor and excitement, setting the stage for an epic clash. "Against Rat Devil!"

"I'm putting my coin on our monstrous friend, Harley," The narrator exclaimed amidst the fervent buzz of anticipation. "But Sorry, Harley, you're still my favorite!"

Harley, undeterred by the banter, offered a confident smirk. "Let's see what you've got, creature."

Rat Devil, emanating an aura of arrogant silence, met Harley's gaze with fiery red eyes, his disdain evident as he surveyed the arena with a haughty demeanor.

As the commentator's voice resonated through the air, igniting the crowd with anticipation, the battle commenced with a thunderous roar.

With lightning speed, Harley Blade surged forward, her battle cry piercing the air as she brandished her massive axe, the muscles of her abdomen rippling beneath a sleek black crop top. Rat Devil accepted the challenge, swiftly maneuvering to knock her off balance with his sinuous gray tail.

Undeterred, Harley regained her footing, attempting to vault onto the towering creature before her, only to be met with a forceful rebuff as Rat Devil unleashed a deafening roar, sending her staggering backward.

Determined to press the attack, Harley hurled her axe at Rat Devil, but her aim faltered, the weapon embedding itself in the arena wall with a resounding thud. Seizing the opportunity, Rat Devil lunged forward, his twisted horns aimed for Harley's vulnerable form.

With agile grace, Harley evaded the deadly assault, her movements a blur as she danced around her opponent. Amidst the chaos, the crowd's fervor reached a fever pitch, their roars echoing off the arena walls.

In a swift counterattack, Harley unleashed a flurry of shurikens, each strike meticulously aimed, yet Rat Devil deftly dodged them with uncanny agility.

Closing the distance between them in a blur of motion, Rat Devil collided with Harley, sending her crashing to the ground. With a heavy hoof, he pinned her beneath him, his tail coiling around her prone form.

Desperation fueled her resolve as Harley, bloodied yet unbowed, summoned the strength to strike back. With a fierce blow from her axe, she inflicted a grievous wound upon Rat Devil, eliciting a pained snarl from the beast.

Yet, despite her valiant effort, the judge's verdict was clear. With a raised paw, Rat Devil was declared the victor, his triumph resounding throughout the arena amidst the deafening roar of the crowd.

"And the winner is Raaat Devil!" The commentator's voice boomed triumphantly. "And hear it for our champion!"

As the applause thundered through the arena, Rat Devil, though visibly surprised by his victory, stood tall, basking in the adulation of his newfound fans.

"Good game, Godzilla," Harley Blade addressed Rat Devil, who stood towering over her.

"Since Harley is out of the game," the narrator began, "We have our new second leader! Maybe anyone else wants to compete for this title?" The commentator chimed in cheerfully, met with silence from the public. "Oh, good! Nobody wants! I wouldn't want to either," the Commentator remarked. "Harley Blade has failed... Now let's welcome our new strong leader!"

The audience erupted once more as a slim, tall old woman emerged from the hall, clad in white robes with a zero drawn on her forehead and black paint around her eyes. Rat Devil bowed, and the woman proceeded to mark his furry forehead with the symbol of zero. As he stood tall, the audience roared with unprecedented enthusiasm.

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