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In the ring of greed, Mammons theatre light up the city. Carnival music blares as performers entertain the crowd. Cheers of imps, hounds, and hellborn alike ring through the theatre.

Behind the carnivals tent a group of workers have their break, sitting on the curb lighting up a smoke. A succubus wearing a harlequin costume pulls the tarp to the side, letting out a pain groan as she sits on the curb. Wiping the white paint off her face showing her dark red skin peppered in white freckles.

"What a night, eh boys?"
She stretches her arms above her head. Bumming a cigarette from another worker. The green lights shone off her silver hair, her red eyes watching the smoke dance in the sky.

A short imp chuckles and breathes out a puff of green smoke.
"It's a lot better without the big man breathing down my neck. Can't even take a smoke break without the guy cracking the shits"

"HAH yeah!"
Another clown chimes in, standing up and clearing his throat.
"Ya bloody cunts! Why aincha workn' when ya could be makin mah money?!"

The succubus lets out a soft chuckle, rolling her eyes hearing the half decent impression of their boss.
"Where the hell is the guy anyway?"

The workers look amongst each other for a few seconds, some shrug at the question while others go back to their own conversations.
"I think he said something about the sins. Can't understand shit the guy says with that accent..."

As if on cue, a large black car pulls over at the curb, almost hitting the succubus with the hood. The car door slams open and out steps the King of Greed himself. Not acknowledging the workers as he walks around in circles looking at something on his phone.
"Smug little whore... talk to me that way... make her regret ever fucking with me..."
He mutters to himself, throwing his phone letting it shatter against the ground. He turns back to the workers glaring at them.
"Ya bloody cunts! The fuck ya doin sitting there?! Get back to work!"

"Gee boss sorry that you almost running me over is such an inconvenience"
The succubus mutters, standing up and dusting the rubble off her skirt.

"What was that?" Mammons glare shifts to the succubus, he steps closer letting his bigger body loom over hers. He reaches out grabbing her chin to get a good look at her face. The woman stands still not daring to pull away as he eyes her body. His snarls suddenly twists into a slimy smile. "Like a clone..."
He lets go, pushing her to the side and walking into the theatre. "Get back to work."

As the door slams shut, the woman gasps for air. Her heart pounds in her chest and all of a sudden her body felt ten pounds heavier. She looks back at the others. "Your impression needs some work." She mutters, putting out her smoke and walking back to the theatre.
Ignoring the sound of the loud music and flashing lights from the main stage, she takes her position on the edges. A side attraction, not given the attention the main performers got. She takes a breath before bending and twisting her body in unnatural ways. Getting a few looks and cheers from the crowd but mostly just blending into the background. Unbeknownst to the succubus, she had the attention of the only person that mattered.

Above the masses perched comfortably on his web, Mammon watches his employee closely. Inspecting every last spec of her; from the black tips of her horns, down to each white freckle. His grin only widens as his mind starts to race. She was perfect.

Hours pass until the theatre finally closes for the night. Crowds ushered out as the workers head backstage to end their shifts and get paid. The succubus stays back, taking a phone call in the dressing room. "I know you're waiting, I'll be back soon ok?"
She taps her fingers against her arm as she speaks. Eyes wandering to the door, she picks up her bag about to head out. Only to be stopped by Mammon blocking her way. She stares up at him, looking away and muttering. "I love you too..."
She hangs up, gripping the straps of her bag.

The demon takes a step closer before letting out a smug chuckle. "You're a new hire aincha? I haven't seen a succubus clown before."

"I'm not a clown I'm a contortionist." She says blankly, looking over the mans larger body. The implications of the situation she was in were getting harder to stomach. "And I've worked here for 3 years, sir."

Mammons eyes widen, looking away and clearing his throat. "Well... I have so many employees it gets hard to keep track, miss..."

"Fame, I don't expect you to know me. Everyone knows the only worker you gave the time of day to was Fizzarolli." The girl steps back, keeping a neutral face as she digs her nails into her palms.
"If that's all, I have plans for the rest of the night."

"Cancel them. We need to have a little talk." Mammon grabs the woman's shoulder, pulling her with him as he walks. Fame struggles against his grip, but that only makes his dig his fingers deeper into her skin.
"Don't be scared. I just got a little offer for ya"

Little Doll [Mammon X OC]Where stories live. Discover now