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Fame sits on an old couch, looking around a messy office as Mammon looks through a shelf on the wall. He'd practically shoved her into the room. Weighing her options, her eyes slowly wander to the door. Mammons temper was no secret, neither was what he'd do to employees that crossed him. She looks back at the distracted demon before slowly standing up and creeping closer to the door.

"The hell do think you're doing?" his voice was slow, glancing back at her with a raised eyebrow.

Fame stands straight staring at the wall, a bead of sweat dripping down the back of her neck. "I'm just looking at the posters, i haven't seen these ones before." She cant bring herself to look at the demon, scared he'd see through her act.

The jester eyes up the poster but shrugs and continues digging through his desk. "Limited edition, i only released about 50 of those fuckers." he mutters, finally pulling out a phone and searching for something on it. Fame tries to get a peek but couldn't peer over his shoulder. He holds out then phone; staring at something on the screen, then at her, then back at the screen "Give me a big smile."

The succubus looked at him confused. Her lips curling upwards as she musters up a sweet smile. Mammon grins and lets out a hearty laugh. "Oh man, you really are perfect! This is gonna be fuckin bonza!" he pulls out a few documents and slides over a pen. "Sign at the bottom and initials on every page."

Fame looks down at the papers for a couple seconds, not moving a finger. "Uh... so I'm not in trouble?"

"What? No I'm offering ya a job for fucks sake! Try to keep up." Mammon rolls his eyes, aggressively tapping the contract while he lights up another fat cigar. The green flame providing a soft glow in the dim room.

"Oh... well then..." She takes a seat, looking through the contract and reading each clause carefully. Pausing at a line, she glances up at the jester. "Party A seizes all rights to their body image whether it be for merchandise, advertisements, and... sexbots... What sort of job are you offering exactly, am I supposed to your replacement for Fizzarolli? Because I should probably disclose that I'm not funny."

Mammon waves his hand dismissively, spinning in his chair as he blows out green smoke. Fame scrunches her nose and fans the smoke from her face. "Nah don't worry bout the details, it'll be an easy gig. Just sign away and let the money roll in, ninety-ten split sounds fair?"

Reading the last page, Fame places the contract back on the desk and looks into her boss' eyes. "Fifteen."

"Ugh, I am not in the mood for bartering. Twelve." Mammon groans, looking up at the ceiling.

But she stares him down, crossing her arms and tapping her fingers rhythmically. "Fifteen."

Mammon glares at the woman for a second, watching the stubborn expression on her face waiting for it to faulter. The long silence is ended by Mammon grunting and clicking his tongue. "Ugh, fucking fine!" Fame nods, taking the pen and finally signing the contract as he mutters "Still cheaper than that cunt Fizz..."

Ignoring his comment the succubus clicks the pen and slides it back to him. "If that's all you needed, I'll be going now." She stands up to leave and moves towards the door, it before she can open it Mammon grabs her wrist. Looking down at her with a wide grinch-like grin.

"I'll give ya a ride." Fame opens her mouth to object, but the bigger demon already starts leading her out. She keeps her eyes on the ground not daring to pull away from him. The theatre was eerily quiet as the pair walks to his car. Fame could feel her heartbeat thumping in her throat, she grips the straps of her bag and bites her tongue.
"Why so quiet eh?" Mammon raises an eyebrow and Fame keeps her head low. Looking around the empty parking lot when it dawns on him. "Oh, I get it."
He laughs smugly, all of a sudden pushing her body against his car. Using his bottom arms to grab her shoulders and the top to cage her there. "You think I'm gonna attack ya."

Fames eyes dart around wildly as she tries to squirm out of his hold. "I don't know what you're talking about, you wouldn't-"

"Oh I would, and I could..." Mammon leans down until his warm breath could be felt on her skin. "But I won't. If I wanted ya dead then you'd be dead." She turns her head letting out a soft hiss as his nails into her skin. Feeling satisfied at the response he lets go and crosses his arms. "No point in that though, can't go breaking the merchandise before it makes me any money."
The demon smiles, opening the car door and waiting expectantly.

Fame looks at the interior of the car, taking one last deep breath before stepping inside.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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