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It was 9:00 AM, and the intense sun poured down on the school roof below. The sun was blazing brightly, intensifying the heat and making it difficult for the students to focus on their lesson.Zenon was seated in one of the backseats in the middle of his class. He had his desk mate sitting right beside him, who was chatting with the other students in their usual group. The noise in the classroom was growing louder, as people began to talk among themselves and ignore the lesson on the blackboard.Everyone was talking to each other except for Zenon. He sat still with his arms crossed, looking like a lifeless statue in the crowd of people conversing and making noise,his silence made him stand out, and it was as if he were completely disconnected from the rest of the group.

"Alright, everyone keep it down," the teacher warned the class, using a sarcastic tone to drive her point across.

She got up from her desk and finally began to teach the lesson, but her effort seemed hopeless as the students continued to chat among themselves and ignore what she was saying.

"Ryouta, did you do that math assignment yet?"

  (She pretty much look like this)                          Zenon's desk mate asked him, causing him to look over

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  (She pretty much look like this)
Zenon's desk mate asked him, causing him to look over. Zenon simply replied with a blunt "No" as he continued to look at the board, indicating that he hadn't started it yet.

"You always answer anything with a 'no' when I ask for the homework," Zenon's deskmate replied, her tone clearly implying her annoyance at his attitude.

"Yeah, whatever Mizuki," Zenon retaliated with a grumpy tone.

"You're probably just going to copy my homework anyway if I actually did it." He seemed tired and weary of the relationship between the two of them, and his tone made her frown even more.

"You copied the others' homework too, stop saying like I'm some kind of copy cat," she countered, using a offended tone.

"Everyone copies each other here in this class," he retorted, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know what your point is" He seemed unconcerned and unbothered by her outrage, as if this was just a part of their usual back-and-forth.

The teacher saw a student who was working on a math assignment, despite it being a history class. She then proceeded to pick up the assignment from the poor kid and look at it with a frown.

"Why are you doing math in my class?" she asked, her tone dripping with annoyance.

"Because uhh... I don't have time to do this," the kid replied, his words trailing off as he struggled to think up an excuse.

"What do you mean you don't have time to do this?!?" she demanded, her temper rising sharply.

The kid remained silent in response to her demand, and this made her let out a long, frustrated sigh.

"Listen, kids" she began to explain, "Later, when you all grow up and go out to do business, people will only ask about historical knowledge. They won't ask about math." She was attempting to make a point, but most of the kids weren't showing any indication of paying attention.

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