pt.5 {Jeongin time! #2}

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TW: murder, violence, S/H mentions, mentions of abuse.

Jisung had found a phone in his mom's purse, of course, she was dead now. She had no password on her phone, so it was easy to access. Seungmin opened Google and looked up the definition of Mafia and Dangerous projects. The way it was worded was difficult for the others to understand. Seungmin was the only one who actually understood. They were being used. They were trained every day to help kill people. None of that sat right with Seungmin.

"Guys... we're here, at this horrid place, to learn how to be murderers..."

"What's that?" Jisung raised his brow. He received looks from all of his friends. "What? Is there something on my face?"

"Jisung, even I know what that is." Heeseung spoke, jaw dropped.

"Pfft, Jisungs a dummy!" Chenle smiled widely as he pointed at his friend.

"It's never too late to die Chenle." Jisung deadpanned, obviously he wouldn't hurt him.

"Ohhh he told you." Yeonjun giggled.

"Guys. Focus on the important things." Seungmin sighed and stood up. He rummaged through many bags and found a gun in one. "They want murders, they got some." Seungmin smirked and reloaded the gun he held.

"Excuse me, I still have no clue what a murder is." Jisung pouted as he picked up his butterfly knife.

"A murder is someone who kills people, Jisung. They were training us to kill many innocent people." Heeseung smiled as he began to search for a weapon alongside Yeonjun and Chenle. Jisung gasped and looked at Seungmin. The puppy-like boy nodded, confirming everything Heeseung said.

"Let's do this. Let's finally be free." Yeonjun stood up tall and confidently. He had found a long sword that sat on the wall.

"It sucks that children like us have to be put through this... I'm like 5, and I already know how to work a gun." Chenle sighed as he filled the gun he found with bullets. Heeseung nodded in agreement as he spun his knife around. The 5 boys finally left the blood filled room they once sat in and took in their surroundings for the last time. Seungmin noticed a little boy, around Heeseung and Chenle's age.

"Help him, he looks frightened." Yeonjun ordered Seungmin. Yeonjun looked for any threats while Seungmin carefully walked to the fox-like boy. "Hey, are you alright?" Seungmin asked the boy. The fox-like boy shook his head and hid behind Seungmin the moment he heard his name. He quickly learned his name was Yang Jeongin.

"They're going to kill me..." Jeongin spoke as he held onto Seungmin's shirt. Hearing that, Seungmin lifted his gun and aimed at the man walking towards them. Jisung looked over at his 'puppy' and watched carefully. He knew if the man even looked at Seungmin the wrong way he'd be dead.

"Hand over the kid." The old man spoke as he looked at Jeongin. A lady followed close behind the old man. She looked so similar to Jeongin it was almost scary. Seungmin raised his brow and held Jeongins hand tightly.

"Why should I? I'm very aware I have the higher ground here." Seungmin spoke as Jisung walked to his side. Jeongin looked at the three boys behind him. All of them had a weapon of some sort. Knowing they were his age, he began to feel safe. A newfound confidence arose as he was handed a weapon. The boy who had handed it to him looked at him and nodded. They walked off shortly after. That was the last time they ever saw Chenle.

"Jeongin. If just come with us and the beating won't be as b-" Shots fired. Jeongin had shot the woman in the chest. She almost immediately fell to the ground. The old man looked at the girl in shock, his lover was just killed in the hands of her son. Jeongin wasn't blood related to the old man. His dad was nowhere to be found, so she began dating one of the guards who was 16 years older than her.

"I'll kill your new friend Jeongin. You'll feel the same pain I feel right now." The old man spoke as he made eye contact with Seungmin. Jisung noticed this and lunged at the man. He was not letting Seungmin get hurt by some frail old man. Jeongin was shocked, but smiled regardless. His smile soon faded once an explosion was heard. There was a quick exchange of names before the boys went to find Chenle. The only thing they found was his body. Heeseung didn't take it very well and began killing everyone he saw, getting himself killed in the process.

"Let's just leave." Yeonjun spoke as he noticed an open gate. They all dropped their weapons and ran. Once they were outside, more explosions were heard. Jisung was still covered in blood, which looked suspicious on his part. Seungmin looked around and saw a boy who looked a little older. He was with his parents, which obviously none of the boys liked. Seungmin put the thought of the boy's parents aside and walked up to him. His parents took the 4 boys in and cared for them until Jisung met Minho.

When the two met, they were a perfect match. Both equally as insane. Jisung killed any guy or girl who looked at Minho, and enjoyed it. Minho never killed anyone, but he got into fights for Jisung. That's how they got where they are today. Living as dropouts in Hyunjins house. There was nothing that they regretted. They kept contact with Yeonjun who still lived with the boy they learned was Soobin. Seungmin and Jeongin liked each other but have yet to confess their feelings for each other.

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