About Pixel.CO

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Almost every show uses a prize and a good ol' happy ending right?

Well.. As you can see the title is called Pixel.CO, Wonder why?

This is the secrets all about Pixel.CO, Including information.

Pixel.CO was the very first founder in tech known as PIXEL BLOCK, Whom invented the very first tech namely HOLOGRAPHIC SCREEN which was able to import any image and video. Nowdays, Almost more than 10M+ people has bought their products.

However, Pixel.CO is not responsible for any inconveniences and incidents that happen on TEVIO NEWS. On February 8 in the year [REDACTED] , It was reportedly that a robot whom named W4F1L3RZ was found burning down a house and causing damage to their surroundings. A family of 5 lived inside that house and they were reportedly found 3 people dead, The remaining survivors were [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] . The police interviewed about their incident and what has happened beforehand. " They've said that was really..oddly specific about do discuss, The issue was the robot was supposed to babysit them but a sudden malfunction or error that must've occured inside their coding system nor data. We don't know who or what dragged them into this traumatic mess but we're looking into it " said Johnathan Abramson, Worker of SHERIFF DEPARTMENT OF LAW.

More info will be said, I'll need to find more newspaper about this.


How was it? Hopefully what I've written was spectacular.

Yes this is N3wG3n3r4t10nz here corresponding, So far I have completely forgotten my pass..Silly me!


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