E-Mole-ison (New)

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As a gentle breeze blew through The Dog Park, Wolf could not feel more at peace. She had been waiting for a day like this for a long time. The tall grass rustles beneath her hand-made wooden platform that she, Benson, Dave, and Kipo had built together last summer. A place where Wolf could stay and keep an eye on her Mega-Dogs.

Releasing a calm sigh, Wolf turned her head to the side. She watched the fur of her Mega-Corgi rise and fall with each quiet snore. The Mega's pups all napped in a tight circle around their mother. Each one finding themselves an odd but apparently comfortable position to sleep in.

"Heh. Cute," Wolf said to herself, before rolling her head to the other side, to check what time it was. Her heart rate accelerated when she saw what time it was. "Oh shi...Ahem...shoot...Gotta keep practicing that."

Quickly jumping to her feet, Wolf slipped on her shoes, and ran to the edge of her platform, where a rope ladder was waiting. Kicking it down, she began sliding down its fiber side rails.

"Hey, Fluffy! I'll be back in a bit! Keep the boys in check ok?!" Wolf called out to her Mega-Corgi. Fluffy's ears perked up, upon hearing her master's call. Her large eyes opened and watched as Wolf made it to the ground and took off through the towering grass of The Dog Park. Fluffy didn't do anything else aside from go back to sleep.




"You got any sevens?" Dave asked. His eyes scanning the cards in front of him. "Or any eights?"

"Ugh, Dave you can't ask twice," Benson explained. He and Dave were sitting at a table in front of Benstaurant. Where it was a little quiet today, with only a few people there.
"And why can't I? I don't see any rule book," Dave scoffed.
"UUUUGH!!" Benson dropped his head onto the table in front of him.

"He's not wrong!" Troy called from behind the counter of the restaurant's booth. "And besides! He has both a seven and an eight!"

Benson quickly sat up, "Troy!?" He felt a tinge of betrayal as Troy gave him a cheeky smile.

"What? I didn't do anything," Troy replied, as he turned back into the booth. A smile still on his face. "Anyways, I hope your friends get here soon, babe. I hate watching you lose back to back card games. "

Benson sighed as he turned back to Dave, who was giving him a cheeky smile as well. Rolling his eyes, Benson took two cards from his hand and forcefully gave them to Dave.
Taking them within his little bug hands, Dave combined them with his cards, before removing six cards from his hand and placing them on the table.

"Boom! Double match! Bonus points!" Dave exclaimed.

Benson dropped his cards on the table and threw his hands in the air. "This is pointless. I'm never going to beat you."
"Ha! Well, don't hate the game. Hate the dashing and handsome man, across from you." Dave teased.

Benson sighed and leaned back in his chair. "Do you know what time it is?" Benson asked, looking up at the sky. "Cause it feels like Wolf and Kipo are running late."

Dave shrugged, "Eh, well Woofy has a long way to walk and Kipo...well Kipo has her reasons."

"Yeah...but Wolf is usually pretty good on the time front...Although she could have fell asleep—"

"BAH!" Wolf sprang up from behind Benson, making him scream and jump out of his seat.

"Wha—Wha—Wolf!!??" Benson yelped as he turned to his friend. "What was that for!?"

Wolf stifled a laugh, "Just making you aware that I was here." she teased.

"Well, I know you're here now! Geez, gave me a heart attack." Benson said as he caught his breath.

Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Season 4Where stories live. Discover now