Wild Night (New)

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"I'm just saying Mandu," Wolf said as her eyes scoured the buildings from Mandu's back. "Kipo shouldn't be that far ahead of us right?" Mandu grunted as her large tusks barely grazed the ground as she used her powerful nose to follow Kipo's trail.

Wolf groaned and hopped off Mandu's back and walked ahead of her. "I just don't get it, Mandu. Kipo just had to run and be a hero. Couldn't bring me with her, could she?" Mandu snorted in defiance as she glared at Wolf with two of her four eyes.

Wolf turned her head to look back at Mandu. "Ok, well I didn't think you'd enjoy getting picked up. Especially since the last time we tried that you squealed like a baby."

Mandu snorted and continued her tracking. "Heh! Am I wrong—"

Without warning, an explosion ignited the dawn sky. Creating a jumbled mushroom cloud that jutted out from above the buildings.

Wolf and Mandu's attention shot in the direction of the explosion as flames clawed towards the sky. Mandu squealed frantically as she slowly backed up, as a massive black wall of smoke swallowed the buildings ahead of her and approached fast. Wolf looked around frantically, before spotting an opening in one of the buildings off to her left.

"Follow me!" Wolf yelled as she hopped off Mandu's back and rushed towards the opening, with Mandu close behind. The ground shook as the black cloud rapidly encroached on their position. Wolf dove into the building, while Mandu made her own entrance as it was too narrow for her. The two of them shut their eyes as the sky became black and a loud roaring of wind rushed around them.

Although, as quick as it started it was over. Wolf opened her eyes and looked behind her. "You ok, Mandu?" she asked.

The massive blue boar's four eyes fluttered open and glanced from side to side. Mandu snorted a reply, before shimmying her way back out of the narrow alley. The orange light from the dawn sky filtered in through the opening as Wolf and Mandu exited from their hiding place.

"You know...I was expecting worse," Wolf said, shielding her eyes from the light. Around her and Mandu looked relatively the same as it did before the explosion, aside from the extra scattered piles of rubble and the shattered asphalt. "Well, whatever happened," Wolf sighed. "Kipo most likely caused it." Mandu grunted in agreement. "Sigh...Alright Mandu. Let's go find her."




"So this is how dumplings are made? Niiice." Dave commented, as he stood on a tall stool beside Lio. His large bug eyes watch Lio's hands mold a mess of dough into the shape of a dumpling.

"Yep," Lio said, as he finished folding the dough into its final shape. "A skill that I've been perfecting since I was a young lad."

"And he boasted about it every time at lunch back in our old burrow," Song teased as she tapped a stack of papers on the dining room table. "Should have seen the day the principle sentenced him to being the school's new lunch lady."

"Oh ha ha, you still thought I was cute with that hair net," Lio laughed. Song looked over at her husband and stuck her tongue out playfully in response.

"That's when you needed one," Song teased, as she placed her papers into a small box. Just when the front door of the apartment opened and Benson walked in with Troy. Both of them were holding flattened cardboard boxes.

"We found two more good ones, for you Mrs. Oak!" Troy exclaimed.

"Ones that weren't broken, or being occupied by a Timbercat." Benson added.

Song smiled as the boys laid the flattened boxes on the table. "Thanks again, guys. With these I should be able to bring all this to the Newton Wolves tomorrow. Maybe a few extra minds can speed this whole E-mole-ison thing up." she sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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