Chapter 13~ The missing spice

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Dedicated to _Merlia


Dad sat next to me while I was sitting, facing the wall TV in front of me, violently pressing the controls of the PS4 controller.

After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, he finally spoke. "Interesting. Which game you're playing?"

I frowned but kept playing. "Cut to the chase, Dad."

A sigh escaped from his lips. "You already know what I'm going to tell you..."

"No, I don't want to attend the event. You go ahead and enjoy your evening," I said flatly.

"I'm not just going there for the sake of it. It's a big event and our presence is needed for branding. This is our big chance to make our business known... Akira, are you even listening to me?" He asked when I didn't reply to him.

I finally paused the game. "Yes Dad. I hear you loud and clear but my answer remains the same. Just tell them I'm sick or something. There's a flu going on, right? Yeah, that will suffice."

"No..." Dad snapped and then closed his eyes momentarily, his wrinkles visible near his eyes. "I don't understand. You were the one who initiated this deal in the first place. You were looking forward to it. Look at you now, playing games and watching movies all night. You don't do that unless something is terribly upsetting you."

I let out a short laugh. "You should be proud of your son. At least I don't go to bars to drown myself in alcohol."

His face grew grim. "I thought I told you not to let your personal feelings get in the way of your professional life. Did that Sasha woman really mean so much to you?"

Just hearing her name made my heart skip a beat but mentally I was angry. I never told my family about her. They just happened to know when my sisters visited the restaurant a few days back and wondered where she was. "Of course not. You know how I've always been. And for your kind information Dad, I haven't been neglecting my duties. I wouldn't do that for the world. I go to the restaurant everyday. I accompany you at the hotel when you need me, like I always do. I'm only asking to let me back out from this event. I'm really not up to it. Just for once Dad, please."

Dad stared at me with his intimating eyes but I didn't back down yet. I could be as stubborn as I wanted to be and it proved when Dad averted his eyes from me and got up, signifying that he gave up.

"Do whatever the hell you want," he said, anger evident in his voice and exited the room.

"Sorry," I mumbled even though he couldn't hear it anymore.

It was a bright, sunny afternoon until the clouds gathered and it started raining. I got bored from playing action games. I didn't feel like wasting my Sunday at the restaurant either. Having anything else to do, I decided for the alternative.

"It's tragic watching two of my best friends get pheartbroken," Neal said as he brought a bottle of whisky and poured it into three glasses.

"Cheers to... uh, whatever. Cheers," I repeated and the three of us raised our glasses together.

"Welcome to the club," Jamie smirked and took a sip of the drink. I was well aware of his underlying meaning behind his words.

"I won't say I'm pleased though," I answered.

"Okay, let me get this straight. You started experiencing those symptoms when your chef girlfriend wrote you a goodbye letter and basically told you to back off when you tried to contact her," Neal tried to confirm it with me.

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