Daddy long legs

16 3 2

Tw: swearing, spider, pooping, children, eyes, men

The web was done and I felt like going to terrorize some children. "You'll get squashed!" My small child said.
"Oh DoVito-Chessy-Crust the third, the screams are worth it my child."

So there I go, not letting him get in another word, his eight eyes following me as I left. I decided to go to the bathroom, I love crawling on the men's feet as they take a shit, knowing they will scream like a five year old. The more high pitched, the better.

'Didn't take me long to get there with my long legs. The door was closed but I slipped under making me see someone on the toilet. They they got up, clearly done as they flush. It was a woman anyways, not as fun. So I hid behind the trash can.

Time to wait, to take a nap on this wall.

I woke up to the sound of the door closing with a slight slam. A man! Yesss! He pulled down his pants and sat. I decided to wait a few seconds, letting him start so I can be as annoying as possible and when I heard the first splash I ran as fast as I could and sat on his foot.

I immediately felt the wind as he kicked his foot and the most high pitched scream iv ever heard was screamed.

"THERES A MOTHER FUCKING SPIDER ON MY FUCKING FOOT!" He yelled as two girls out the bathroom where laughing their heads off.

I clung on. I seen his other foot going to slam into me and there I was, about to die. It was worth it.
I felt myself being squashed as I heard him swear once more as he clearly bruised his foot.


Words: 293

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