The heavenly meeting

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A/N: thank you everyone who has read this sorry i was gone for so long i was on holiday with my parents but thank you for all the support!!!!

y/n pov

i was the first to wake up vaggie and charlie were still asleep so i changed and snuck out the room i started to look around heaven i had been up here in years i run into sera and emily

"sera" i say sera and i weren't the best of friends when i was up here she was one of the reasons i was sent down "y/n it's good to see you" she say "your wings look amazing" emily says looking at my black wings i laughed "thanks em" i smiled "emily why don't you take vaggie and charlie to the petting zoo" i say looking down at her "ok!" she says happily then flies off

i turn to sera "i see you still have the extermination going on" i say annoyed "y/n you participated in the extermination so you can not speak" she says look down at me "you know i was forced to do it!" i shout my wings spread out and my horns grow be then i calmed my self down and they went back to normal "shh no one knows about it" sera says "so emily doesn't know" i say in shock ""know what?" emily says with charlie and vaggie behind her "nothing i will speak to you later y/n" sera says flying away

i sigh the three of them look at me confused "nothing let's go to the meeting" i say walking away i knew this wouldn't end well but i couldn't say anything or it would blow my cover we walk into the meeting hall what memories i have in here

charlie saw i looked nervous and so did vaggie "y/n what's wrong you have been acting really weird while we have been up here" charlie said i think vaggie knew but i have her a 'don't say a word' look i understand and kept quite sera and emily were on the very top other members were around them and adam and i think her name was lite? no i think it was lute all three off us stood there adam then said "low blow going to my manager karen" he laughed i gave him a dirty look and i felt lute staring into my soul well what i had left off a soul

(im going to make this part up sorry i can remember what they say 🥲)

"ok so everyone knows why we are here right?" charlie asked everyone nodded expect adam who rolled his eyes "ok so down in hell i- mean we" she says holding vaggie "have a hotel that will help souls who want a second chance to make there way up to heaven!" charlie says se then turns to me "y/n and vaggie have helped a lot we all believe a soul can make it way up here" she smiled i also smile so does vaggie adam then butts in "sera let's be honest here how the fuck d we know this silly hotel even works" he laughs winking at me i roll my eyes "do you have any guests at this hotel?" sera asks "yes angel dust" charlie says "his improved a lot his stopped doing drugs and everything" charlie says i smiled he was doing a lot better "the porn demon oh oh that's good!" adam laughed i give him a dirty look
"well adam how do you think a soul can get into heaven?" i say in a snarky tone "um well" he summoned a golden paper and write 3 things down he then gave it to vaggie she read it

"1. act selfless"
"2.dont steal"
"3. stick it to the man?"

"are you fucking serious?!" vaggie asked "uh yeah sure got me here didn't it he right sera?" adam said "yes adam and you are the first man so that aswell" sera said

"ok if his doing sooo 'good' let's have a look what he is doing!" adam says the massive orb behind us flash's it shows angel dust husk cherri and nifty all at the club i smiled when i saw husk and angel hanging out it was nice cherri bomb then placed some drugs on the table "come on angie it's been a while since we got fucked up!" cherri said angel looked at the drugs "i don't know cherri" husk then said "i don't think you should but if you want to fuck over all your progress e my guest but i fought you were better then that" he said taking a shot "no cherri im good girl" angel said

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