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Home. That's where we needed to go now.

The blinding red light that had left me immobile and frightened had come out of nowhere. Blanking my mind and leaving me blind. Thank God it had not been when I was fighting or else it would have been my head on the ground and not the Skin-shifter's.

Lyris had gotten it as well, and she looked at me with concern in her eyes. Real concern.

The flash of red light that we had seen meant many things but most importantly it was a warning that something bad had happened. Something really bad. And we were to come home right now.
And with us getting the warning, all the way in another world must mean it had something to do with Zee.

But what, because she was right here. Safe.

"Jacan we have to leave, now!"

"Leave," Zee looked from me to Lyris. "where are we going?"

Lyris looked from Zee to me before whispering, "Tell her, or I will."

"Tell me what?" Zee stood and shaky legs and I moved next to her, just in case they gave out. She was still weak from the blood and magic loss.

When I held her up she stared at me with a distant look on her face. "Tell me, what did she mean when she said you weren't going to ki. . ." her breath faltered and her body grew rigid. "kill me? And where are we going?"

Sighing I grabbed her waist. "It is complicated Zee."

She pushed at me and I could feel the anger in her growing. "Was it all a lie? I don't even know who you really are. And you won't tell me anything."

"Zee, please you have to trust me. I'm not here to kill you, I'm hereto protect you."

She opened her mouth to say something but shook her head and dropped her head and back out from grasp. "I want to go home, to my mom."

Of course. How could I forget Zee's mother? There was no way she was leaving here without her.

A tingle went up my spine and I glanced a look behind me. Lyris eyes were glowing white and she wasn't moving.

"What is she doing?" Lyris trembling voice asked.

"She is talking, telepathically of

"She's just like you isn't she?"

I turned my attention to Zee and nodded. "We are from the same world."

Zee absorbed this; nodding and looking at the ground. "And what world would that be?"

"The one we'll be going to protect you."

"But why can't I stay here?"

I walked up to her and placed my palm over her cheeks. "I'm not strong enough protect you here alone."

She shook her head. "I can't leave. I can't. My whole life is here Jace. Mom and Serena. Serena, she'll need me. I just can't leave. Do you know how devastated they'll be? No, I can't."

Before I could say anything more, Lyris spoke.

"Well it's a good thing they are not here then."

"What?" Zee and I both asked in unison.

"Your mother and friend. They are not here. They're in my world."


"They are not here. They're in my world."

Those words reverberated through my mind until I couldn't think about anything else. Not even what Lyris had said about Jace was no longer her to kill me... At least I think that's what I heard.

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