Trial of Astania|Paradox of Pisces

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Graphic Entry for the Trials of Astania|Paradox of Pisces

Prompt: Two sides have been enemies for longer than anyone can remember. Little did they know that the event that started it all wasn't even real.

The pink moon and the woman with the glasses and sword are from Adobe Express. Everything else is from Canva Pro. Lighting and effect adjusted on Adobe Lightroom.



Relation to Prompt:

Two women have been on opposite sides as a result of their families' feud that has been going on for longer than anyone can remember. One day, they both discover that the reason behind the continuous hate was a filthy lie based on something that never happened. The two women join forces and set out to unravel the real truth which their families have kept buried under piles of rubble for decades.

What happens when they find out that even the truth turns out to be another illusion?

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