Chapter 5~Sneaking Out

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Donatella POV:

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Donatella POV:

We're in

We finally got inside the house.

Armando jumped in front of me and called the rest of the boys down.

I guess this is gonna be a surprise to them

"BOYS!!!" He yelled and the rest of the 5 boys came in front of us in different directions

They all came in confused and one looked scared

One of the boys asked, "Dad why are you smiling?"

The scared one said "Yeah Dad, we haven't seen you smile like that in years. Wait what's happening? Is something wrong? Are you sick? Are you-" He then started to say but Armando interrupted him

"Calm down will you, There's nothing wrong with me," He said "But I will show you the reason why I'm acting like this" He finally moved away and showed me to them

They all gasped and had tears in their eyes. One of them said, "Is that her?"

And Armando said "Yes. yes it is," he said confirming it "Now, will y'all introduce yourselves"

The first one stepped up and said "Hello Sara, I'm your second oldest brother Dante" He said in a soft tone

Noted: Dante is probably the softest out of everyone. And the easiest to get by.

The second one stepped up and said "Hello sorella, I'm Nicolo your third oldest and oldest of this set of twins brother" He said

Noted: By the way his hair is messy and the way he's dressed he seems like a cool dude.

We get to the other one and he gives me a blank face but waves. I look at him and look at Armando confused.

Why the hell isn't he talking?

Armando let out a sigh and said "This is the second oldest out of the triplets. He's Gino, something happened a while back and he hasn't talked in about two years." With a sad smile

Noted: Doesn't talk. But why?

We move on to the last triplet. He scoffs and says "Enzo" Under his breath starts glaring at me.

I didn't back down so I glared at him way harder. He looked surprised for a bit until he put that same face on.

Noted: Asshole

As we approach the final person, it appears as though he's ready to pounce on me, but he restrains himself. Despite my poker face, I can't help but be astonished by how much he resembles me.

"Hi, my name is Luca your twin brother." He says a lot more cheerily than the others "Btw: your favorite" He tried to whisper

Noted: Bad whisperer, and the total opposite of me. How are we twins?

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