Chapter 1: Harsh

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The small toddler hand reached out tentatively, finding comfort and security as it clasped tightly onto her mother's hand, forming a bond of love and trust that transcended words that takes them from the moment of fear. A slight gasped scream escaped Emma's mouth as the car careened off the road, its headlights sliced through the darkness like shards of shattered glass, casting frantic beams that danced wildly before abruptly extinguishing in a chaotic symphony of metal and glass.

It was a normal Friday afternoon in the Noble family, Derik and Emma married for 15 years with their sweet and small daughter August. On Fridays, the three usually take a car ride from the west end to Derik's father's house next to Westman lake, Old James would welcome them with a home brewed coffee for Emma, a Double Whiskey for Derik and a small cup of apple juice for August or Auggi as they called her.
But this Friday it was different. There was an ominous feel in the air, and the clouds closed with the thunder shouting from above. Old James, as usual, brought them refreshments, hoping the familiar routine would dispel the unease creeping over them. The cozy interior of his house welcomed them, offering respite from the brewing storm outside. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the scent of oak from the whiskey, creating a comforting atmosphere.

As they settled around the worn wooden table, Old James greeted them with a warm smile, his eyes twinkling with familiarity. "Good to see you all," he said in his gravelly voice, pouring Emma her steaming cup of coffee, Derik his whiskey, and offered August her small cup of apple juice. The routine felt comforting, a brief respite from the growing tension in the air.

Outside, the wind howled like a restless spirit, rattling the windows and causing the lights to flicker momentarily. Emma couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gripped her, like a shadow lurking just beyond the edges of her consciousness. She glanced at Derik, who met her gaze with a furrowed brow, silently acknowledging the unspoken tension between them.

But they pushed aside their worries, focusing instead on the simple joy of being together as a family. August giggled and chattered animatedly, oblivious to the undercurrent of anxiety that permeated the air. For a fleeting moment, they were able to forget about the storm raging outside, finding solace in each other's company.

However, as they prepared to leave, the atmosphere outside had grown increasingly ominous. Dark clouds loomed overhead, casting a pall over the landscape. The once calm lake now churned with restless waves, mirroring the turmoil within Emma's heart.

Despite her apprehension, they decided to brave the journey home, hoping to outrun the storm. But fate had other plans. As they pulled out of Old James' driveway, a deafening crack of thunder echoed through the sky, shaking them to their core.

Derik's hands tightened on the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white with tension as the first drops of rain splattered against the windshield. Emma's heart hammered in her chest, a sense of dread settling over her like a heavy blanket.

And then, in a moment that seemed to unfold in slow motion, disaster struck. The car skidded on the slick pavement, careening off the road and hurtling towards the edge of a steep embankment.

Emma's scream pierced the air as time seemed to stand still, her hand instinctively reaching out to protect August. The world blurred into a whirlwind of chaos as the car tumbled down the embankment, metal screeching, and glass shattering in a symphony of destruction.

In that terrifying moment, the bond of love and trust between mother and child became their lifeline, anchoring them amidst the chaos. And as they plunged into the unknown, they clung to each other with a fierceness born of survival, their hearts united in a silent prayer for safety and salvation.

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