Chapter Thirty-Seven | Dragons

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When they got back to the jet, Zoe pulled out her phone and started researching dragons, and Elijah counted how much money he'd have left after paying August. It wasn't much at all; out of the six hundred and seven coronam in his bag, he'd only have fifty-seven left after paying for the ride to The Spear and back.

The demon sighed deeply and put his bag back on the seat beside him. Fifty-seven wasn't a lot at all, especially not for two people on the run from Lyca Corp. But he'd do as best as he could to ensure that it lasted. Once he and Haru were back in this part of the world, he'd find somewhere to set up base again, and then he'd work out how to get more money. That was...if Haru wanted to stay with him. What if he wanted to go and live with his rich parents?

Elijah scowled at the thought of Haru leaving him. It hurt his heart, his soul. But if Haru wanted to go back to Samayō-Akuma, then he'd go with him. He didn't care what it took to be with him; he'd do whatever was needed.

"Okay, so...there are a few dragon species that live in Ascela, so I'd assume we'd see them past The Ice Wall," Zoe said, breaking the silence.

"Are they aggressive?" Elijah asked.

"Or like...huge?" Jake added.

Zoe scrolled on her phone for a moment. "Well, some of them are," she answered, ignoring Jake. "The Ascelan Frostwing is extremely territorial, and a female's territory can spread for up to a hundred kilometres."

"A hundred?" the pardus exclaimed. "That's a lot of land to cover, even for a dragon."

A concerned frown stole Zoe's intrigued one.

"What?" Elijah muttered.

"It says that the Ascelan Frostwing is like a spider; it sets little like...tripwires under the snow and can feel when they're disturbed from their nest...kind of like a web. Depending on how large the territory is, the dragon would be on us in minutes if we stepped on one of the wires."

Elijah sighed deeply—

"Oh, but it says that the Frostwing's territory border always has...eugh... it's crystalized pee to ward off other dragons and larger predators."

Jake grimaced. "Ew, frozen pee."

"It looks like this," Zoe said as she showed her phone screen to Elijah and Jake. "Like yellow crystals."

The pardus groaned again.

Elijah snarled irritably at him. "It's just fucking piss. Calm down."

Jake pouted and crossed his arms.

Zoe took her phone back and scrolled through it. "And this is what the dragon looks like." She showed them her phone again, revealing the picture of a six-limbed ice-white dragon covered in long, jagged spikes that looked a lot like spider legs.

"It even looks like a spider," the pardus grumbled.

"It can get up to thirty feet tall," the girl said uneasily. "It breathes ice, and when it's snowing, it can practically disappear in the blizzard."

Jake scoffed. "Giant spider that turns invisible. Wonderful."

"Weaknesses?" Elijah asked.

", especially demon fire, and silver. It also can't hide from demon sensory ethos, so we'd be able to feel its ethos or life force."

Her answer made Elijah feel a little better about the fact that they might be facing dragons on the way to getting Haru. There were silver bullets in his bag, and both he and Zoe had fire at their disposal.

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