Soulweaver Character Sheet

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Identity: Y/N

Alliance: Professor Chaos

Villainess Name: Soulweaver (Inspired by the idea of being able to weave together people's emotions, like dark threads in a tapestry).

Power: Emotion Absorption - The ability to feed off of other people's emotions, draining their joy, anger, fear, lust, jealousy, and much more to be used to enhance her abilities.

Abilities -

Emotion Amplification: You can intensify someone else's emotions, an example of this being turning mild fear into a terror that paralyzes your foes. Another example being mild anger transforming into an uncontrollable blind rage.

Emotion Manipulation: You can alter someone else's emotions. Examples being able to control emotions, changing them from what they are currently feeling.

Empathetic Healing: You can absorb emotions from others in order to heal yourself, or someone of your choice.

Emotion Theft: You can steal someone's emotion, leaving them emotionally drained. A prime example is stealing someone's courage during a heightened part of a battle, or stealing someone's hope during desperate times.

Emotion-Infused Attacks: Strikes of energy blasts can carry emotional charge that has been absorbed. Punching with rage can be devastating, while a punch with joy can disorient your opponent. Attacks an also be altered dependent on the severity of the emotion, and the type of emotion absorbed.

Weakness: Devastating and quick weakness is the ability of being able to run out of power. Without heightened emotions, you are rendered weak, and cannot use your powers against your opponents. If your opponent is emotionally numb, you cannot use your powers against them. However, this can be changed if someone around your opponent shows emotion.


A gorgeous midnight blue cloak with a hood made of velvet fabric. Attached to the cloak is a gaiter, which assists with covering your mouth and nose. Under your cloak is a form-fitting bodysuit in obsidian black, easily showing off your figure. Across the bodysuit is intricately laced spider webs, resembling the entanglement you have with one's emotions.

Gloves which extend upwards to your elbow hide your hands and forearms, also intricately laced with spider webs, these ones adorned with small blue dew drops on random parts of the spiderwebs. These 'dew drops' on the spiderwebs resembling an emotion of devastation, or depression, in the form of tears. At just the right angle, these dew drops shimmered as though they were crystals.

On your feet are knee-high boots with hidden daggers in the heels in case you were in need of getting yourself out of a tight spot.

Brief Summary:

You prefer to keep your costume dark in the attempt of concealing yourself in darkness, as your powers are better when used at range when you finally are able to learn to control your abilities effectively. However, if unable to conceal yourself in the shadows or dark areas in battle, your cloak and gaiter allow you to hide your identity as the hooded cloak hides your hair, and the gaiter covers your nose and mouth, only leaving your eyes in view.

Although in battle, you are able to quickly move on your feet, and move with a quick agility-like style thanks to the freedom of your outfit, but the practice from cheer giving you the flexibility needed to outdo opponents given the circumstances. Your abilities make you more of a support than offense, allowing Professor Chaos to continue doing the majority of the work while you confuse or stun opponents with emotion manipulation or absorption.

In battle there are times where Professor Chaos will not be around, and he has graciously given you his tips and tricks on hand-to-hand combat if there were ever needed the case. This is where you are able to use your emotion-infused attacks to your advantage.

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