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"Looks like it's your loss, once again. How unfortunate." The lilac and enchanting eyes behind the expensive sunglasses gazed at the man before him, eyes which seemed to have read his every move and predicted it accurately which led to the current predicament, yet another win for Aventurine and a loss for the man. Aventurine sat relaxedly in his seat, tone and body language seeming bored which only added injury to the man's loss.

Indignant to the large amount of money which was so easily lost, the man sat up, the table and chips trembling as he slammed his fists down. "I-it's impossible! How could you have won every single round? It's as if you're cheating — yes, that's it! You must be cheating, you brat!"

"Cheating? That's a dangerous accusation in a place like this. Can you take responsibility for your words? Tell me." Amused, Aventurine scoffs, raising his brow as he gazed at the man in front of him. Although the two were face to face, the man couldn't help but shrink back, feeling as if he were being looked down upon on. Humiliated, the man merely clenches his fists, scowling a few profanities before storming off. Aventurine's eyes follow the man's figure until it disappears, a slight frown on his face. The encounters and reactions to his wins in gambling were no surprise, yet he couldn't help feel annoyed. The same reactions, the same results, the dazzling and chaotic atmosphere — it was beginning to feel suffocating. Aventurine gets up from his seat, deciding on a change of scenery.

Out of the corner of his peripheral, Aventurine spots a bar. It doesn't suit the atmosphere of the casino, he thinks, the bar being rather devoid of people and life besides for a singular bartender — but he prefers it this way. Almost seeming isolated from the rest of the world, it was quiet besides for the sounds of glass cups being wiped and muffled music being played from the speakers. It seemed perfect and just what he needed.

Y/n's ears perk up at the sound of footsteps approaching the bar, followed by the slight sliding noises of the chair against the floor, the series of noises being a surprise to her as customers weren't too frequent. Eyes averting up, she spots a man who stares right back at her with a thin smile, and gosh — she would have believed he were a hypnotist with the way those purple eyes seemed to draw her in so much. The flashy clothes and shiny jewelry don't escape her notice neither, although she's sure that without the glamorous outfit, he would still stand out. Y/n blinks back into reality, realizing she had blanked out momentarily as she flashes a polite smile. "My apologies. It's rare for people to visit here. What would you like?"

Not seeming to mind, he nods as he continues gazing at her with those amethyst orbs. "I'd like your recommendation. Could you surprise me?" Aventurine still has that small smile, curious to see what she would come up with. Y/n only chuckles, grabbing a Boston shaker. The steel, polished and bright, reflect the image of the man across her as she pours in a mix of liquids with deft and experienced movements. "Sure. You look like you need something to occupy your mind with anyway." It's casual, her words, yet they strike interest in him.

The words were simple, only implying he needed something to distract him with but Aventurine perks up, gazing at the bartender even more intently than before. It wasn't that her words were wrong, it was simply rare for anyone to point out the true emotions behind his confident and smiling mask. It could have simply been a coincidence, but it sparked an unknown emotion within him. Somewhat intrigued, he raises brow as he presses on. "Oh? Why do you think so?"

"It just seemed like you wanted something new and exciting. Was I wrong? Don't mind me either way, it's simply idle talk." Y/n entertains his question, relaxedly concocting his drink while chatting. He blinks for a second before laughing, tone carefree and soft. "No, you weren't wrong at all. I was only surprised you noticed." Aventurine's smile slightly deepened as he leaned his head on his palm out of habit, observing the bartender in front of him.

She shakes her head, amused, before speaking. "Try it." A wine glass filled with cool, yellow, and sparkling liquid swished around as it was placed on the table before him. "Let me know what you think. I'll whip up another drink if you don't like it." Y/n hurriedly says after, awaiting the man before her to give it a sip. Without hesitation, Aventurine takes a sip of the drink. It's sweet and refreshing, lemon and honey flavored. He finds it similar to the woman in front of him, a breath of fresh air from a suffocating atmosphere.

He lets out a breath of contentment after tasting the drink, turning to face the bartender once again. "It's just what I like," he says, the corners of his lips curving into a grin. "Refreshing, isn't it?" Y/n comments, tone tinged with pride towards her drink. Nodding, Aventurine's eyes shape into crescents as he playfully grins. "It really is. We've just met, but you know me so well. Is this what bartenders are good at, or are you just good at reading others?" He curiously says, ice cubes in his glass clinking as he swirls the liquid around.

Humming teasingly, Y/n retorts back. "I didn't do anything special. Anyone could tell you wanted to get away."

"Not just anyone, really. You're special." Aventurine is still gazing at her, a playful smile crossing his lips.

She gazes back at him. "Haha. You're good at flattering. Is this what gamblers are good at, or are you just a natural at it?"

He pouts, demeanor still playful. "I wasn't lying, you know? It's true." Aventurine blinks at her, eyes just as alluring and gorgeous as before. "Not just anyone can tell what I'm thinking," he continues, tone low and airy.

Y/n is stunned momentarily, surprised by his oddly flirty sounding words. Snapping out of the trance, she blinks, taken aback by how easy those eyes seemed to lure her in. Attractive people are so dangerous, she thinks to herself...

Attempting to laugh it off, she takes away the empty glass on the table as she glances at him, not taking his words to heart. "Oh, how mysterious of you, sir."

"The title sir is too formal. Aventurine. Is that fine with you?" The blonde says, expression relaxed and uplifted. He expectedly blinks at her, as if he were anticipating for his name to be called by her. Y/n turns back to face him, flashing a smile — one that seemed slightly different from the polite one she had given him at the beginning. It felt warmer. "It'll be fine with me as long as you drop by again soon. Call me Y/n."

Aventurine pauses, a warmth of joy spreading across his chest. Without thinking, he warmly smiles. "I'll make sure to come again, Y/n." It was done instinctively, by Aventurine himself, a version unconstricted by the usual exterior.

"It's on the house, Aventurine. See you soon." It's only when she calls his name does he snap out of the dazed state, blinking countlessly as if he were surprised and unfamiliar with his own actions. Quickly regaining his senses, he waves goodbye, briskly walking off in an attempt to compose himself and think about what just happened.

He laughs dryly, hands over his mouth as he recounts the encounter. There was a small smile on his lips, one he couldn't help but let escape.

...The defenses he had built up were so easily slipped through by her on the first meeting.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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