A Spider and a Frog

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Fandom: My Hero Academia, Marvel
Characters: Tsuyu, Peter
Relationship: None
Warnings: None

Tsuyu Asui; newly graduated and on the scene as Pro Hero Froppy, never expected how soon she would be asked out on a mission such as this. She was asked if she could go to New York in America and help some of the local heroes.

From what she was told, the way heroes work there is genuinely different compared to how it works in Japan and other areas of the world. In America, the heroes are mostly Japan's equivalent of a vigilante. She didn't know how to feel about that, but at the same time she couldn't wait to meet some of them.

She was told that there were a few heroes who had animal themes; Falcon, Hawkeye, Black Panther, Spider-Man, etc. It was a great feeling that she wouldn't be the only one there with an animal theme. Not only that, but apparently she was going to be working with Spider-Man when she goes to Queens. Tsuyu doesn't fully understand where Queens is, but she knows that it is in New York, but not the City itself. Sometimes these types of things are very confusing.


All she had to do was follow along with her superior to meet with Spider-Man. Turns out that they are going to do a normal patrol around Queens; help people with groceries, stop petty robbers, that sort of thing. Later that night they would be going to take down a drug ring. This would be the first time she would be involved in something like this. She couldn't wait.

She knew it was dangerous, but she also knew that with others there with her she would be fine. She just needed to be prepared for anything and keep a watch over her six and others.


Meeting Spider-Man was incredible! From what she knew, he had been a hero for a bit longer than her, about a few years as while they started around the same time, she was a few years younger than him. He was so kind and bubbly. Tsuyu was glad that she was able to be on this mission.

They were jumping and crawling around the city. They helped a few people cross the road, some students asked for their help in a project. Turned out that the kids needed to take their photos for a collection.

After taking several photos of them in many fighting positions one student offered up the idea of the two of them sticking to a wall once they realized the both of them could do that. So that's what they did. Spider-Man got up and stuck himself to the wall before helping Tsuyu get up higher than what she could have done on her own.

The students were very happy that their project was almost finished now that they've taken the photos.

Tsuyu and Spider-Man, however, were incredibly comfortable where they were. They didn't mind staying on the wall of the building, as long as the people in the building didn't complain.

As far as Tsuyu was concerned, this was one of the absolute best outcome for this mission.

As far as Spider-Man is concerned, he now has a new hero to watch grow and become even better than what she is now. 

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