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As Soo-jin triumphantly crossed the finish line, a sense of relief washed over her. She turned to Mr. Lee, her teacher, who was still catching his breath from the tension of the game. With trembling hands, she reached out and patted his back, offering a word of comfort in the aftermath of their ordeal.

Mr. Lee, visibly shaken but grateful for Soo-jin's success, returned the gesture, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. He couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion at the sight of Soo-jin's trembling hands, a stark reminder of the harrowing challenge they had just endured together. Tears welled up in his eyes as he struggled to find the words to express his relief and gratitude.

Meanwhile, Taehyung's voice cut through the tension like a knife, his words dripping with disdain as he addressed So-he, who had yet to complete the task. So-he's hands trembled violently as she listened to Taehyung's accusations, her heart sinking with each damning word.

Memories of past transgressions flooded So-he's mind, her guilt weighing heavily upon her as she recalled the pain and suffering she had inflicted upon Taehyung. The image of his anguished cries echoed in her ears, haunting her with remorse for her past actions.

In the annals of Taehyung's memory, there existed a haunting recollection of a time when the world seemed to conspire against him, when the innocence of youth gave way to the harsh realities of cruelty and betrayal. It was a moment etched in pain and seared into his consciousness, a memory that lingered like a dark specter in the recesses of his mind.

The incident occurred during a time when Taehyung was particularly vulnerable, a new student navigating the treacherous waters of high school hierarchy. He had unwittingly become the target of So-he's disdain, her jealousy fueled by his perceived threat to her own social standing. And in her misguided attempts to assert dominance, So-he had resorted to acts of cruelty that would leave a lasting scar on Taehyung's psyche.

The incident itself was seared into Taehyung's memory with agonizing clarity. It was a day like any other, the air thick with the tension of adolescent angst and petty rivalries. Taehyung had been going about his day, minding his own business, when he found himself accosted by So-he and her cohorts, their eyes gleaming with malice and their words dripping with venom.

In a cruel twist of fate, So-he had brandished her straightener like a weapon, its heated plates glowing ominously in the dim light of the hallway. With a sinister gleam in her eye, she had advanced upon Taehyung, her intentions clear as she sought to inflict pain and humiliation upon her unsuspecting victim.

For Taehyung, the moments that followed were a blur of agony and terror, his senses overwhelmed by the searing heat of the straightener against his skin and the deafening sound of his own screams. He had been powerless to defend himself, his pleas for mercy falling on deaf ears as So-he and her cronies revelled in his suffering.

The memory of that day still haunted Taehyung, its echoes reverberating through the corridors of his mind like a relentless drumbeat of despair. It was a reminder of the cruelty that lurked within the hearts of men, of the darkness that lay dormant beneath the facade of civility and kindness.

But despite the pain and trauma he had endured, Taehyung refused to be defined by the scars of his past. He had emerged from that crucible of suffering with a steely resolve and an unyielding determination to rise above the cruelty of others. And as he faced the trials that lay ahead, he did so with the knowledge that he was stronger than the demons that sought to drag him down.

For Taehyung, the memory of So-he's cruelty would forever serve as a testament to his resilience, a reminder of the depths of his own strength and the power of forgiveness. And as he forged ahead on his journey, he did so with the conviction that no amount of pain or suffering could ever extinguish the light that burned within him.

With tears streaming down her cheeks, So-he's voice quivered as she uttered a heartfelt apology to Taehyung, her words choked with emotion. But her repentance came too late, as the rod in her hand suddenly surged with high-voltage electricity, sending searing shocks coursing through her body.

As So-he slumped to the ground in agony, the electric current overwhelming her senses, a cry of anguish escaped her lips. Beside her, Mr. Jaehyung, unable to withstand the shock, succumbed to the deadly current, his lifeless body slumping in his chair.

In the aftermath of the tragedy, a heavy silence descended upon the scene, broken only by the crackle of electricity and the sound of So-he's anguished sobs. The air was thick with sorrow and regret as the remaining participants grappled with the magnitude of what had just transpired.

For Jungkook, watching from the confines of his blue bubble, the scene was almost too much to bear. His heart ached with grief for So-he and Mr Jaehyung, their lives cut short by the cruel hand of fate. And yet, amidst the sorrow, there lingered a sense of grim determination, a resolve to press on despite the overwhelming odds stacked against them.

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