Rubik's Cube

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It was a dark, rainy and cozy night for the spider gang, every one of them huddled up in Aunt May's house while watching a movie.

Peni was sitting atop her robot, eating gum, Miles and Gwen sharing a blanket as they ate gummies, Spider Ham munching obnoxiously on barbecue flavor chips, and Peter B sipping on a soda.

Noir was sitting on an armchair, his dark eyes fixated on the modern TV screen that showed colorful pictures.

It was different for him as his dimension was set in the year 1933 with no modern technology, only gangs and bars.

It stressed him out, more than he thought, as all the colors were overbearing. He was used to black and white, and the occasional grey.

He'd usually wear his mask with tinted goggles to dim the colors and lights of this world, but he thought he'd take a break.

But alas, he was getting used to it, slowly.

Not really minding the show, Noir was instead invested on solving his dainty rubix cube, turning and twisting to settle each color on each side.

It frustrated him to no end as he'd get one side of one color done, but realizing he'd have to do that for all colors.

The frustration grew more, the obnoxious sounds of the cube's clicks and clacks soon annoying him.

He set it to the side, rubbing his face after with a gloved hand to console himself before he could act out.

Unbeknownst to him, you walked down the stairs after taking a hot shower, clad in only shorts and a oversized t-shirt, thanks to Aunt May. She was the sweetest.

Appearing behind Noir, you wrap your arms around his neck and rest your chin atop his head, nestling his raven black hair.

He let out a soft sigh, feeling the familiar warmth of your gentle embrace. The hardened edges of his brooding persona seems to melt away almost instantly from your touch.

A hint of a smile tugs at the the corner of his chapped lips - something only you managed to evoke from this private detective.

"How'd your shower go, doll?" He asks in his usual low husky tone, though it comes out softer than usual - reserved only for moments you two share.

"It was good, but better when you're with me." You whisper gently in response then leaning down and nuzzling the side of his face with affection.

Noir closes his eyes briefly at your tender nuzzling, savoring the intimacy only you offered.

Unable to resist, he turns his head and catches your lips in a soft kiss - short but filled with longing. It has been far too long since the both of you had a moment like this one.

"I feel the exact same, doll." He murmurs against your lips. "This spider-verse, with all its noise and keeps me on edge. But bein' with you, it all fades away. I should've showered with ya."

He lifts a gloved hand to caress your cheek, thumb brushing over your skin gently. Though hardened by his journeys through the dark streets of his city, your love had a way of smoothing out the rough edges of his battered soul.

Soon after a few more tender caresses on your cheek, he brings his hand to yours and leads you around the armchair to finally sit on his lap.

Once sat, you bring your hand to his face now and run your finger tips along the prickly stubble on his sharp jaw, emitting a soft hum from him and his dark eyes to flutter briefly.

In response, he wraps an arm securely around your waist, letting you rest your head on his firm chest as he then strokes your back soothingly.

"You always know just how to tease out the gentler side of me." He whispers, turning his head towards your hand and placing a gentle kiss to your wrist. "It's like you see straight through this grizzled exterior, right into my heart. I'm still tryna figure how you do it, doll."

Tilting your chin up with a gentle finger, Noir meets your gaze with a look of unspoken affection. All the pain and hardship seemed to vanish whenever he looked upon your loving face. You were his safe harbor in a storm - his light that guided him back from the darkness.

And in that moment, he swore to do whatever it takes to have many more just like this, forever in his arms where you belonged.

"All it takes is patience, and affection." You returned, sitting up on his lap. You leaned in and delivered a soft kiss to his neck. "Intimacy was another."

Noir lets out a soft sigh at the gentle kiss on his neck, his hold around your waist was tightening imperceptibly.

Intimacy was still new to him, like many things in this spider-verse - but with you, he was willing to shed his hardened shell piece by piece. Your affection and patience wore down his guarded walls like nothing else had before.

"Intimacy, huh?" He chuckles softly, his chest rumbling deeply. He tilts his slightly to give you better access to his neck as he enjoys the soft pecks from your sweet lips.

Hearing the small laugh, Peter B glanced towards you both, letting a small smirk tug at his lips while he watched the interaction between you.

He was glad, ecstatic even, watching you lovebirds be all touchy when he secretly shipped you two. But he didn't want to be a bother so he turned his attention back to the TV before sneaking a few gummies from Miles and stuffing them in his mouth.

Which caused Miles to look around in confusion, his head swishing left to right, wondering where the heck his gummies disappeared to. After a moment, he shrugged and causally rested his arm around Gwen, blushing internally.

Awhile Noir had his eyes closed, almost moaning from you and your hot mouth on his neck. You were teasing him, expecting to gain a reaction but to no avail as he held back every noise, well, tried to.

"Well, you certainly know how to stir somethin' deep within this icy facade of mine...maybe when we get some time alone....." He sighs inbetween breaths, his head resting back and mouth slightly parted with a small drool line at the corner of his lips.

Trailing off meaningfully, Noir lifts his head and leans in to claim your lips in a slow, languid kiss - pouring all the unspoken emotions into the intimate contact. For now, stealing quiet moments like this would have to suffice. But the promise of rediscovering each other in privacy lingered heavily in the air between you two.

"You never fail to make me feel human, doll." He breathes against your lips, a rare tender smile softening the hard edges of his face.

The rest of the night is shared between kisses, cuddles and the occasional laughter of affection.

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