ShAtTaRd PrIOrITy (A Tale of Distraction and Devotion)

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Working in a bustling glass company, my days were filled with the clinks and clatters of delicate glassware. Amidst the chaos, there was one constant: my distracted colleague, Mike, always buried in his phone, unaware of the danger signs.

One fateful day, tragedy struck when a piece of glass slipped from his grasp, slicing through three of my fingers like a razor. The intense pain shook me to my core, forcing me to retreat home to tend to my wounds.

Little did I know, the nightmare was far from over. As I lay recovering, my mind replayed the events with haunting clarity. It wasn't until later, when my child's innocent laughter filled the room, that reality came crashing down.

In a blink, my son's playful exploration led him dangerously close to a shiny piece of glass on the floor. Before I could react, his tiny fingers reached out, drawn by the sparkle of danger. But in a split-second act of maternal instinct, his mother swooped in, snatching the glass from his grasp.

She showed it to me, but I was preoccupied with my phone and didn't give it much thought. I collected it from her and threw it out the window.

Hours later, as I sat down to reflect on the earlier events, a chilling realization settled in. How had a piece of glass found its way into the room? The answer became clear: from my workplace. Though I never carried glass around, this had never happened before.

The mere thought of what could have transpired sent shivers down my spine. What if my child had mistakenly swallowed the piece of glass? The pain, the suffering, the stress of going back and forth to the child lifeline hospital, the irreparable damage—it was a nightmare too horrifying to contemplate.

From that day forward, my vigilance intensified, no more phone distractions. Like a guardian hawk, I hovered over my son, ensuring every corner was free from harm.

Now I got him children's cartoon videos to keep him busy even when I'm a little bit distracted. With each passing day, the importance of parental presence became abundantly clear.

For what is a phone, a mere distraction, compared to the precious life of a child? In a heartbeat, priorities shifted, and the choice became crystal clear: my child, always.

In this Child Awareness Month, do your best to save the children; you see this infants? they never ERF up only adults do.

Moral Lesson: Let this serve as a reminder to all parents: keep a watchful eye, for danger lurks where least expected. And in the battle between distractions and devotion, may love always triumph.

ShAtTaRd PrIOrITy (A Tale of Distraction and Devotion)Where stories live. Discover now