part 4

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Yoongi had put on nicer clothes , and he grabbed his car keys and met Kristy at the cafe . Kristy was already there at the cafe. She waved at him.   They were laughing and talking.   Kristy was looking around the cafe. It reminded her when she was little her parents ran a small cafe. It was cozy and warm like the one she was in now. She didn't want to remember the call she got when she first debuted  about her parents dying.  Music was the only thing that kept her mind off of what was happening. Kristy was daydreaming   and she had tears in her eyes. Yoongi looked at her and asked her if she was ok. She nodded her head. They spent a long time in the cafe. She brought out her computer from her bag and she got up and sat down next to yoongi. And she played a movie. The cafe manager had looked and smiled at them. “Y’all make a cute couple, you're the only couple I see getting along around here” She said.  I looked at her confused. “ We're not a couple, we work together,” said Yoongi.  She just nodded her head.  She came back with a red velvet cake. And she sat it infront of us. My eyes widened . I was like a four year old who was in a candy shop.  I got the fork and started eating a slice of the cake. “Thanks” I said. “ You're welcome,” said the lady. “It’s on the house,” she winked.  She handed me a note that said “You're a kind person for helping my daughter”. Kristy immediately knew what she meant. Yoongi looked at her and smiled “You like red velvet cake”. I nodded. “My mom used to make it for me but now that she’s gone, I haven't really eaten any in a long time.”  said Kristy. He nodded.  They were eating and watching a movie.. Yoongi paid for the food and gave the waiter a tip. They were walking and it was snowing outside. Yoongi had on gloves and Kristy didn't because her hands were getting cold, she held Yoongi's hand. He looked at her and then straight ahead. “My hands were cold,” she said while looking down.  Mason was trying to call Kristy but her phone was dead. There was a fan who came up to them and Kristy immediately let go of Yoongi's hand. “Can I get a picture with you guys, please”.  We both said “Yes”. I was next to Yoongi and he had put my arms around both Yoongi and the fan. He had pulled me closer to him, and My eyes turned pink . The girl took the picture. She looked and said your eyes turned a different color. I nodded. I tried to turn my eyes back to gray . but I couldn't. I just closed my eyes and forced them to turn back gray and they did.  Yoongi  pov: I  had pulled Kristy closer to me and her eyes turned pink.  I knew what it meant.   Her head started hurting when she forced her eye color to change . She was still holding Yoongi's hand . She thought that he didn’t see her eye color change. Yoongi took her to a nearby ice cream shop and they had other desserts there. She looked at him with a confused look  on her face.  They were inside because it was warm. Yoongi looked at her and said “ Pick anything you want and I’ll pay for it.” She  was like a little kid. She picked a cake out and it was red velvet and chocolate cake. ( two different cakes, one of them was for a special ocassion ) . Yoongi paid for it.  And they were stopped by  lots of fans. They went to the cafe they would always go to and they sat down and Kristy  had asked the cashier for candles. He handed it to her and she put them on and lit them and. Yoongi Looked at her confused,  “ It’s my parents birthday”. She said, “How old are they” asked Yoongi. “They would have been 38" I said. .  . They  were goofing off.    Kristy had gotten a piece of cake and put it in Yoongi's mouth.  . He looked at her and just smiled. They left the  cafe and went to the house and  they were watching tv at 3:00 am in the morning then he left. .Jimin had seen Yoongi come in late. But he didn't say anything. Next hour,   they had to go to the airport. When the announcer had called their name somebody went up to the announcer guy and whispered  “We have technical trouble so they are going to have to come in a week or so”. The guy announced it. And Bts and Velvet  had gone to get a hotel room for them. They got two presidential suites. Bts had invited velvet to come and join them for rehearsal in their room. They did.  But Kristy and Yoongi were on the couch sleeping next to each other. When they turned around they saw that they were asleep. “ They look so cute,” yelled Ari. Bts and the rest of velvet looked at her. “ What do you mean?” They all said,  “ I’m talking about the puppy phone case Kristy has. They are so adorable,” she shrieked.  They had a sigh of relief. After 2 hours they woke up . But Kristy was still asleep. Yoongi woke Kristy. They went to find the   others as they were in the lobby in the buffet. They texted Yoongi where they were. They  went to the buffet. And  got their food and sat down with the rest of the group. J-hope looked at their plate and it was sort of similar. Kristy  and started eating. Then she said “Why are you guys staring at me?”. Jungkook said “Where were you guys yesterday”. He tried to change the subject. “ Just tell me why are y’all staring at me”  Then  J-hope said “ When you ate the lamb skewers your eyes started glowing.”  “ Oh that means that I have never tasted it before and I like it. '' They just nodded. Kristy had smiled.  '' I’m sorry for the outburst.”  she said. They nodded. Yoongi had  looked at her from across from where he was sitting.

Jin sᴀɴɢ to Ari. I went to Yoongi. “Hi” I said. He smiled and said “ Hi”. We were talking for a long time and Monica came and said “ Bonding I see; y’all are pretty cute  together” she said.  My eyes turned red. I looked at her and she walked  away.  He  looked at me and  said “ You have something on your face”. I said “Oh ''. He  said,  We stopped and he got his napkin and  wiped it  off my face . I  thanked him . Then We  were still  talking. We walked back to the studio. Then Ari said “You are too pretty, you have two guys that like you”. ¨ No they dont unnie,”I said . She raised her eyebrow  “Ok, I  guess”. Then she went back to  practicing her song. Then Ben came up to me “Let's go walk” he said.  We went for a walk.  “Kristy, do you like mochi?'' I  looked at him, “I do like mochi,” I said.  He smiled .  We kept walking. My eyes turned blue because I was happy .We went back to the studio. I  saw Yoongi smile at me . I smiled back.  Monica came and she looked at me. I  could tell by the  look on her face that she was going to say so. I  couldn’t do anything but nod my head to show that she is right.  She  looked at me and smiled. It  wasn’t the kind of smile that  she would normally do. It was a friendly smile. One she didn’t do often. I was sort of  shocked by the way she smiled. Then I looked and saw Tae walk in the room. I  thought she was smiling at him at first but she wasn’t. I went to practice singing. I had finished writing the song so I told everyone “ Make sure to lock up when you leave”. Then Monica said  “ you can’t leave by yourself and wait till one of us is done”. I couldn’t argue with her because she  is older than me and the rules are not to talk back. I nodded. “ Can I wait, and  be on my phone unnie” I asked. She nodded her head yes. I went on my phone and played my favorite song by bts which was mic drop. I put my headphones on and they were still practicing until 10:30 pm. I got finished at 9:00pm. I  was looking around while playing the music. Then someone tapped me and it was Yoongi and jin. I looked up and took my headphones off and asked. “What is it?”. “ We’re done, we can take you home” they said. I  nodded and I told them my address and we went to my house. My house was a modern house. Ther outside was nice . It was for everyone in velvet. Monica had called and said that Jin and Yoongi need to stay with  me because of that creep on the loose. Jin sad” I have to go, but I guess Yoongi can stay with her.'' He left immediately.  I went upstairs to change into my pj’s. They were shorts and a shirt.. We were watching television. I fell asleep and so did Yoongi. My head was resting on Yoongi's shoulder .   Then Yoongi's phone started ringing, he  got his phone and answered it “Hello, yeah,ok alright” he said sleepily. I had woken up and my head was still on Yoongi's shoulder. ''What happened?” I asked.   He said, “My phone just rang, that's all". I  nodded my head and then  I got the remote and changed the channel. It was some kind of cartoon. There was a knock at the door and then, I opened it and it was my cousin and her daughter. “ Can you watch her tonight?” she asked. I said “ I can’t , I’m busy” I said. Then my cousin just nodded her head and left. I felt bad because my cousin wants me to watch her daughter for her but she doesn't remember all the bad things she's done to me and my family.

Hi this is your author nim so this is going to be the longest book that I've ever written. Pls vote and I hope you enjoy

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