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Please send me some ships to write about this first one is an idea by me and if you give me the request I will give you credit and a shoutout! The art above is not mine. Now on with the story! Some of these will be human AU as it will say at the beginning.

Human AU

Qibli POV

Qibli was nervous as he fiddled with the light purple flowers in his hand. Today was 1 week before Valentines day and he was planning to ask Moon to be his date to the Valentines dance that Sunny was throwing. Sunny thought that it would be good to give the students a chance to have relationships in the school even though Tsunami had disliked that idea very much (And still does!). Qibli just had to get there before Winter decided to ask her.

She won't accept my offer. She will just ask Winter. After all why would the funny, smart, beautiful, girl settle for the overly funny, has bad puns, and does dad jokes over Winter who was handsome, strong, and the silent type.

The he saw it. Winter went up to Moon with flowers.

This is it, the day that will be marked as the day I have failed trying to win over Moon.

Qibli dropped his flowers and ran. He ran to the only safe place he knew of, his cave. Qibli started sobbing on his bed. He was crying so hard that he didn't hear the footsteps come in after him and sit on his ben next to him. When he finally looked over he saw Moon, sitting on his bed next to him.

"Qibli" He heard someone say softly.

"Qibli." That same person said to him but slightly more stern.

"Qibli! Look at me!" He finally looked at who was talking to him. It was none other than Moon looking at him with something in her eyes. He couldn't tell quite what it was but it looked kind of like love but she just probably still had that look in her eyes from Winter asking her out.

"What do you want!" He yelled at her. He didn't know why he was yelling, but it just felt right in this moment.

"I just want to talk to you. If you don't want to talk back to me you can just listen." Qibli nodded slightly. "I just wanted to say that whatever you saw between me and Winter was nothing. He asked me to the dance and I said no, because I wanted to go with someone else. So with that said IreallylikeyouandIwantedtoseeifyouwouldgotothedance with me." Or at least that's what he thought she said because he interrupted her in the middle by kissing her. She was startled but she kissed him back, when they finally broke apart she said "I am going to take that as a yes."

"Yes, it is a yes. Will you also be my girlfriend and go the the movies with me on Saturday?"

"Of course I will."

They sat there for a couple more seconds before he pulled her in for another kiss. This time she didn't hesitate and kissed him back. They sat there kissing for what felt like hours, but was only a couple of minutes. Suddenly they heard a bunch of squealing and they saw Kinkajou running off waving around a camera singing at the top of her lungs


They looked at each other for a second before running after her yelling


All they heard was


"We should probably get out of here before we get swarmed." Moon suddenly said.

"Yeah we should do that." They then bolted out of there as fast as humanly possible.

I don't know if that was short or long but see you next time! <3

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 02 ⏰

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