Chapter 1

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Drew's alarm wakes him up, with one loud ring after another. He grunts and rolls out of bed.

"Alexa, shut up," he mutters. His alarm turns off. He stretches and his back cracks. He pauses for a moment.

"I'm not even that old yet," He sighs and opens his closet. He grabs some jeans and a blue hoodie. He gets changed and puts on some sweet-scented cologne before heading downstairs. His dad isn't there to greet him, and his mom is still asleep. He heads to her room and hugs her.

"Hey, Ma, good morning,"

"Oh, Drew, you're up early,"

"I set an alarm,"

"Good for you." She sits up. "Love you, have a good day,"

"You too!" He exclaims and then runs downstairs. He grabs a snack and then heads off to school. He opens the door and walks down the sidewalk. He puts his headphones in.

The cold air bites at his face, and he almost instantly regrets only wearing a hoodie. He waits outside the school, and he can see a bunch of rugby kids on the field. He can't help but wonder how long they've been there. He watches as one of them gets tackled, and it looks pretty rough.

The boy rolls on the field, covered in dirt already, and the larger group runs off, fighting for the ball. The boy gets up quickly and joins them again. Drew looks away again, his focus being brought back to a voice shouting at him.

"DREW! GOOD GOD! ARE YOU DEAF?!" Jasmine shouts. He takes his headphones out, his face flushing slightly.

"I had headphones in, stupid!"

"Well, turn it down!" She mumbles. "Anyway, what's up?"

"Uh, not much. You?"

"Oh, same here. Who were you staring at?

"Just some guy. He got tackled. Look at him. That one, covered in dirt."

"What, so now you're eyeing some rugby jock? Are you insane?"

"I wasn't eyeing him. I was just watching the game." He huffed at her in denial, rolling his eyes with a pout, like an immature child. He looked back over at the rugby players, watching them all pack up. He looked at the guy from before specifically, who had now poured water over that pitch-black hair of his.

He flinched, feeling Jasmine elbow him out of his thoughts. He just sighed and walked forward, towards the school entrance. She quickly caught up beside him.

"So, who is he?" she asked, clearly pretty teasingly, with the smug smirk on her face giving it all away.

"You make it sound like I'm gay or somethin'." He grumbled, staying silent before realizing he should probably follow up on that, "Which I'm not! I was just watching them play."

"Mhm, right, sure buddy. Whatever helps you sleep at night." She snickered, rolling her eyes as she ran ahead of him.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?"


"Hey, Drew! Drew!" Jasmine shouted in his direction, yet he didn't turn until she had jabbed him in the side. "Drew, I swear-"

"Huh?" He takes his headphones out

"Oh. My. God. You're so- okay, anyway, do you have time to grab some food?" She asks, as the bell rings, which officially dismisses them. They walk together.

"Uh, I guess I do, yeah, but I'll have to grab my money-"

"No, it's fine, it's on me!"

"I'll just grab my money. I should let my mom know I'm heading out, anyway."

"Can't you just text her and ask?"

"It'll take like five minutes to get to my house, c'mon."

Drew takes the lead across the field, walking past the rugby team. Jasmine speeds up a little.

"Hurry, fatass, you're gonna get hit!"

"Am not," He rolls his eyes. "They'll avoid me, they can't justly claim the fi-" Someone runs straight into Drew, and he stumbles back. His eyes are slightly widened, and whoever hit him is a lot heavier than him, and seems to keep going fine, and only looks at Drew.

"Hey, sorry, I didn't see you there." He recognizes that face. The dirt on his face, the ruffled, wet black hair. His face is slightly sweaty, from rugby, or whatever. The game keeps going on, but this guy has paused to talk to Drew.

"It's... alright, I guess." Drew won't admit it, but he's a little winded. "I'll watch out a bit more next time." He walks away with Jasmine, not letting the other guy get a word in. Jasmine snickers at him.

"What did I tell you, Drew?"

"Oh shut up, how was I supposed to know that'd happened? Let's just get going."

They got to their local cafe, one that they were a regular at. It was a nice place to hang out, grab food or drinks, and a quiet study spot. As they walked inside, Drew immediately was looking at all of the newly added pastries they had made, practically drooling already. Jasmine walked beside him, also taking a good look at them all.

Drew walked over to the cash register, "Hi! Uhh... can I get a jelly filled danish?" Jasmine ordered as well, getting herself some of the homemade brownies they made. After they got their food, they left the store, heading on to the park nearby.

They each sat on a swing, enjoying their freshly bought pastries.

"So, how are your grades doing?" Jasmine asked, taking a bite of the brownie.

Drew paused, looking at her with a raised eyebrow, "Why're you asking?"

"Just curious." She shrugged, although a smug smirk tugged on the corners of her lips.

"They're doing fine." He grumbled out in a bitter tone.


"Okay, maybe not, but please don't tell anyone." He sighed, kicking his feet slowly back and forth, now that he had finished his food.

"Like I have anyone to tell anyway, you're like my only friend, dude."

"Maybe if you didn't read that gay stuff all the time you would have more friends." He mumbled, snickering quietly to himself.

"What did you just say?" She looked offended? No, pissed? He sure couldn't tell, and he sure wasn't willing to risk repeating himself.

"Nothin'." He glanced away awkwardly, them both rocking back and forth on the swings.

He looked back out at the baths nearby, seeing someone walking, with a gym bag slung over their shoulder. The number on the back of their shirt immediately caught his attention. He remembered seeing the number when he had been watching the rugby team.

Jasmine seemed to catch on to where he was looking, her attention drifting to the person as well. Drew could barely make out the surname on the back of the shirt, but he could tell who it was; the same guy he had bumped into.

"Isn't that the guy you were eyeing earlier?" Jasmine spoke up, clearly trying to tease him.

"Shut up, I wasn't eyeing him. I already told you that." He sighed, his phone ringing soon after. He picked it up, some mumbled words coming from the other line. "Yeah, I'm on my way." He said back into the phone before hanging up, he got up from the swing, looking at Jasmine,

"I've gotta go, see you tomorrow?"

"See you then!" She nodded, getting up and sticking her hand out for a first bump. He quickly gave her one, before walking off with a wave.

Once he got home, his dad greeted him, looking as if he just woke up. After talking for a minute, Drew slumped onto his bed, now finally alone and with time to spare for himself. He took his phone out, scrolling through whatever videos popped up on social media. After a good hour of it, he put his phone back down, getting up and brushing his teeth, taking a moment to struggle while getting dressed into his pajamas, after laying back down to go to bed.

Maybe he could talk to that guy tomorrow, or at least attempt to.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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