creatures of the night

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"guys can you let me out now " liam yelled
" are you in control " i said
"yeah complete and total conrol " he said
" is it going to be like last month when you were running around naked and the police had 12 calls about a visous dog boy running around beacon hills naked" stiles said
"yeah im fine i promise " liam said
so scott undid the chains as liam looked at his hand " its okay liam just stay in control" i said to him as i grabbed his hands and kissed him " complete and total control
so we hopped in stiles's jeep and we were riding down the road as it stopped in its tracks so scott and stiles hopped out so i hopped in front as i turned the key the lighting got closer and closer as the jeep started back up, and we pulled into the school.
" im sorry " stiles said as malia kissed him " im sorry to "liam said as he popped his head out from the back seat i pulled him back "your such a werdo why do i love you so much " do you remember i own a jun boys " mr tate said
"yes they do " i said
malia hopped in the back set next to me "did you find out" i said " yeah did you " liam asked "you guys told him" malia said . so we ran into the hospital and laim was following us "stay here liam"
"why i dont want to " " show me your hands " scott said
"so im not in total control but ill be fine''
"stay here" i said
"remember what derek said that you are strong and it will take longer for oyu to learn to control and that you are one of the most powerful betas that he has seen your age and that is alot coming from him so just stay her " i said to liam as i kissed him on the cheek and me and scott ran to the elivator
" kira is stuck n a traffic gam i am going to go get her go with stiles and malia"
"okay i was palaning on it anyways beacuse stiles is the one driving us there" i said laughing as scott ran threw the doors.
so me and malia and stiels went to the school as we seen this figure running at us and strait at us as as malia pushed him down and it was liam "we have to go get scott somthing is after him hurry and it already took parrish down " he yelled as he got up and we got into stiles's jeep " are you in control " stiles asked me " im pretty sure i dont need to be if i am going agaisnts somebody ''remember kate could not control it and you are a werejaquar and a witch so be careful " liam added " guys im going to be fine as my eyes flashe dat them and i showed my teeth " im sorry its just that im nervous"i said
" whats wrong " liam said
" scott is in danger i can tell some how he is in danger so hurry" i yelled as we pulled up were  tracked them at and i hopped out and there was this big man was atackng them so i ranto it and jumped on its back and bit it with my fangs and he flipped me over and grabbed my neck as he jabbed his claws into my side  and i flew to the ground and scott broke his arm we all stood up but i handnt helled yet but i still walked to liam i lymped a bit but the firt thing i focasted on was the other were wolf that was standing in front of us " you dont rmember me do you guys well it was in fourth grade " he said " theo " i said as i ran to him and hugged him " im looking to be in scotts pack"
" oh my god i missed you so much as i hugged him and kissed him on the check " i missed you to " theo said as he picked me up when we were hugging .

at the school

"are we ready to do this" lydia yelled as we strated to write our names on the book shelves and i wrote my name and aidens and scott wrote his and allisons " they would have been her, " stiels said "they still are " lydia said .
" come on lets dance " i said as they started to play music i took malias hand as we started to dance and just kept dancing.
" senior year" malia yelled as loud as she could.

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