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[Status: First Draft]


Strong hands, half-wrapped in leather, moved up and down with each breath beneath the evening sun. The light could barely penetrate the dense, green canopy of tree tops and reflect upon the figure moving through the forest below.

There was a haunting beauty that clung to most things in Kokami; from the sky, to the trees, and to the grass itself. Oishi was no exception to this rule. Rather, she embodied this belief perfectly.

Short, thick, and curved as though masterfully crafted in smooth, white marble by the Grand Artisan, Siefer. There were few straight lines or hard angles on her body, save for the bending of her knee joints as she ran at full pace through the crowded forest.  A long, single braid of black hair flailed wildly behind her, always turning a fraction of a second after Oishi, but never in the same direction. It would rest against her hips if she stood still, but she couldn't stop now. Stopping now meant certain death.

Mismatched eyes, one brown and one green, frantically scanned her surroundings. Back and forth, back and forth; picking new paths to turn down while managing to dodge thick, gnarly roots that should have been buried beneath the dirt. Never stopping to gather her bearings or wits or to look behind. No matter what, she couldn't stop moving. Not yet.

Left. Right. Left. Her chosen paths were little more than randomness and quick decisions with no real destination in mind. Only "away". As far away as her legs could carry her before her body refused to move or until she knew it was no longer following her. A deep, fearsome roar wove through the trees behind her and climbed her spine almost causing her to lose her footing by surprise. It was close behind. Too close.

The forest that surrounded her was large and ancient: the border between the Kokami plains and the free world of man. The beast that chased her was just as large and ancient. A sentinel guard tasked with protecting its territory for all of eternity.

She was not supposed to be here. Not allowed to be here. She was a mere trespasser in a strange and unforgiving realm. Anyone in Kokami could tell you that no human was allowed to be here, but it was too late now. Too late to plead forgiveness or mercy from the savage, even if it could understand her. There were no second chances given to those who crossed the border. She wished she had believed the stories. Her adventurous mindset had gotten her into trouble once again and possibly for the last time. 

Right. Left. Left again. Right...no. A fallen tree blocked her path. She could have jumped it, but her thoughts had already moved to finding a new path. Left yet again. No! She had unknowingly turned a complete circle. She realized that now, but was it too late.  She saw the beast approaching for the first time since the chase began.  How could it be so fast. Her maneuverings had helped her none.

It was upon her.  It stood upright like a man, but it's there that the similarities between man and monster ended. In truth, it had much more in common with a boar. Huge, massive even, a combination of muscle, fat, and thick bones weighing at least a ton. It stood at least thrice her size. Tusks extruded from its pig-like face. Tusks that could cut a tree in half with only a single powerful swipe of its head.

It didn't need the tusks for that though. The beast easily overpowered even the largest and thickest of ElderBroke trees. Any obstacle unfortunate enough to get in the giant boar's path was toppled, bent, or crushed entirely beneath its weight and strength. Nothing would stop it from protecting the forest from intruders. Even from beautiful women with adventurous spirits who meant no harm.

"No! Stop! Please!" She screamed. No. Shrieked in the highest tone possible. The monster didn't stop to listen. It's prey had stopped and now it could attack with its full force. She ducked low just as it reached her. A long, hulking arm swept towards her, crushing the trees around her at chest height. She was barely crouched low enough to avoid the deadly blow.

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