"Dude, did you see Spider-Man stop that bus yesterday? He was like, so cool." I ducked my head as I walked past Flash and his group, all of them going on and on about spider-Man, and how he stopped that bus with his bare hands.

It wasn't about the amount of strength I had, or the fact that I could stop a bus with my bare hands (though I had to admit, that was cool). It was about the kids on that bus, and the driver who got shot in the first place not going over the edge of the bridge.

I'd seen on the news last night that when the police got there, the driver had been rushed to the hospital and was now fine, though in for a good while of healing.

The horrible man who had shot at the bus in the first place was now in jail, after Ned and I tracked him down and left him for the police.

It had been a long night last night, though at least my bruised ribs from the night before that were mostly healed, considering Mr. Johnson was out doing who knows what this morning, and I was able to cook not only myself but also the rest of the kids an extensive breakfast, and my healing factor kicked in.

Right now, the main thing I had to worry about was the English test after lunch and what was on the new TV in the cafeteria.

I walked into the lunchroom and grabbed my state-payed-for mush that was somehow passed as lunch for schools all over the country, and headed over to sit with MJ and Ned, who for some reason looked like he was on the verge of a panic attack.

"Ned? Is something wrong?" I asked in concern as I set my food down at the table.

Ned, who was still hyperventilating managed to gasp out "News- Avengers- Bus- Spider-Man-" before giving up and pointing at the TV in the corner of the room.

I headed over to join the cluster of kids around the screen and froze as I read the title of the broadcast at the bottom of the screen.

Avengers Declare Hunt for Enhanced Spider.

"Last night, this civilian-filmed footage of the shooting at Manhattan Bridge revealed Spider-Man, our very own vigilante, stopping a school bus from going over the edge of the bridge with his bare hands. His efforts left dents in said bus in the shape of his hands. The Avengers eventually viewed this footage and were ordered by Nick Fury to bring in the Spider. The reason? We have an enhanced vigilante running around our city like he owns it, and not a single person knows his identity or motives. He may be doing this for his own gain, and if not, his motives may change in the future. If Spider-Man is as good as he seems-, he will turn himself in to the authorities. And if he is truly enhanced, there may be no one who is capable of stopping him should he go rogue. Over to you Billy."

I stood there with my draw dropped for a good minute before my way back to the table with MJ and Ned, who looked like he had finally calmed down.

"Dude what are we going to do? You have the avengers and SHIELD after you, how are you going to patrol?" Ned still looked worried, but not as frantic as he had been before.

"He'll figure it out." MJ, looking as bored as always, sat there glancing between Ned and her open sketchbook, making adjustments each time.

"Thanks MJ. And Ned, I have absolutely no idea." My mind was running in circles, terrified and excited at the same time.

On the one hand, the avengers noticed me. And they thought I was important enough, or enough of a threat that they had to capture me. On the other hand, they wanted to capture me. But still... they noticed me!

This is the best day of my life.

The rest of the school day passed in a blur, the English test going smoothly (as usual), and Flash sticking to his own group rather than tormenting me for once. Considering he was such a big Spider-Man fan, maybe he was so shocked by the news that he would never bother me ever again?

I walked home with Ned, Star Wars Legos not forgotten despite the recent announcements and mild threat to my... career?

"It's going to be sick dude. The Millenium Falcon is so cool! It's like 8,000 pieces!" It was big, but we could probably finish it before I had to leave for patrol.

"Maybe it'll be enough to shock Iron Man out of the sky. Like Woah, those Legos are so sick and cool looking I have to have one for myself. Have a good night Spider-Man, my fellow Lego enjoyer!" Both of us laughed, heading upstairs to the box of Legos on Ned's bed and getting to work.

By the time we finished it was seven-thirty, and a half hour after I had wanted to start my patrol.

Saying goodbye to Ned's mom, I ran down the street and ducked into an alleyway before changing into my suit and webbing my backpack to the roof.

Ned's voice in my ear directed me to crime after crime, and he finally logged off around eight saying his mom was ceiling him for dinner.

I decided to take a short break on a roof near Delmar's, stretching out on the edge of the room and watching the lights flick on and off in the taller skyscrapers.

It wasn't quite stars (not that I could see them from the middle of New York City anyways), but it was comforting to me.

This was my city, and there was nobody, no criminal, or supervillain, or alien that I would let take this city from me.

I protected this city, no one else.

I watched out for the little guy; I helped cats out of trees and old ladies cross roads.

I was the one that people gave churros in thanks and asked for pictures and autographs.

Here, I didn't need the stars. All I needed was the lights in those skyscrapers reminding me that there was life in this city, the voices in the streets telling of all the people I'd protected.

That and for my Parker Luck to not get in the way.

My thoughts were interrupted as my Spidey senses screamed at me to move move move, and on instinct I rolled to the side and was up in less than a second, a tranquilizing arrow imbedding itself where my hand had been next to me less than a second before.

I slowly raised my eyes as I heard the humming noise that I hadn't heard much, but knew well enough to know exactly what it was.


My eyes locked onto the outstretched hand of Mr. Tony Stark, Iron Man, the light growing brighter as the repulsors in his palms powered up.

"Spider-Man. We're going to need you to come with us."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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