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A white door surrounded by brick walls— potted bunches flowers rested on the porch.

I was hesitant to step on the 'welcome' mat; it had inprints of shoeprints and the bright colors of the yarn were dimmed from dirt others carried.
Yet it felt wrong for me to dirty it.

Three days— I had recovered a bit more for three days.
The pain was still terrible, the train ride was hot ass, my stitches were tight, and my side ached but I was here, in New Jersey, in front of Valerie's apartment.

I probably should've called, maybe just showing up was stupid. But if she was here right now then for at least a second I'd see her face in person— hear her voice maybe?

6 years— a lot can change in six years. Not only physically but mentally too, I knew that first hand.

"Y'know what," I raised my fist and knocked on the door. ".. fuck it."

It took a moment before I heard any sign that someone was actually in there. I stook a step back from the door— I murmured under my breath, "Hey Valerie, it's Dominic I know— no that's shitty.. Hello Valerie, it's your brother— no. Alright, I'll just—"

"— I'm sorry I'm not interested in," The door was unlocked and open before I could blink. ".. what the hell?"

Valerie stood in the doorway— the chain still kept the door from being open.
Her hair was straightened and her  expression was unreadable because I could tell she was feeling so many different things at once.

"Valerie, I'm sorry but I have to—"

"— I.. I don't know you.. please go." She  mumbled— her eyes, the ones that looked so much like our mothers, avoided my gaze.

"Valerie, don't act like that," I paused— that was harsh. I then added. ".. just let me talk to you again.. just one time."

Valerie didn't respond, instead, she looked at me again. Her lips pursed together— she had really grown up. All that baby fat had gone away and her features grew slender in a healthy way.

And I missed all of it.

".. How did you find out where I live?"  She asked under her breath.

I thought it over. "I'm your big brother." I answered vaguelly.

Valerie frowned, ".. Just go away."

"I will if you talk to me." I sighed.

She let out a shakey breath and mumbled, "About what?"

𝙰𝙿𝙷𝚁𝙾𝙳𝙸𝚃𝙴'𝚂 𝙱𝙾𝙳𝚈𝙶𝚄𝙰𝚁𝙳Where stories live. Discover now