Chapter 2 - Lunch

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The two of you pulled up outside of what appeared to be the burned-out shell of an old warehouse. You looked sidelong at Mr. Logaesthetic, wondering if he had purchased you from your alcoholic mother only to murder you in some horrific way.

The two of you walked through the building's front door into a very normal, cozy cafe that was completely contradictory to its exterior.

Logan appeared unfazed, leading you up to the counter. "I'll have a colby jack grilled cheese, please." He turned to you. "What do you want?"

You shrugged. You had never been to a cafe before, and were overwhelmed by the massive, gleaming, warm-toned case of decadent pastries stretching out before you like a savannah.

"And a, uh, croissant," Logan continued to the worker behind the counter. "Does that sound good?" he asked you.

You nodded, too intimidated to tell him that you did not know what that was.

The two of you sat at a table by the window, quietly lunching. You still didn't know what a croissant was, but at least now you knew it was delicious. Just then, the bell on the cafe's door chimed, and a tall woman with long, caramel-blonde hair walked in. She wore a black embroidered cardigan, a shirt underneath with two skeletons high-fiving on it, and round glasses.

"Sam!" Logan stood up to greet her with a firm handshake. "How are you, pal?"

The woman nodded. "I'm good, I'm good!"

"This is Sam," Mr. Logan told you. "You might know her as Moderator Marsworms."

"Hi!" you said, waving.

Sam smiled at you. "Hi there! I like your sparkly lip gloss. It's fun. Who's this?" she asked Logan, who waved a hand.

"Oh, just some kid I bought."

Sam's smile disappeared, and she raised an eyebrow across the table at Mr. Aesthetic. "Child purchaser Andy over here," she said, pointing a thumb at Logan.

"Is that a Jerma reference? For the millionth time, Sam, I don't know who Jerma is."

"You need to kill that bit already."

"What bit?"

Lunch went on that way for a while. It was like watching one of Logan Aesthetic's streams, but in real life. He demanded that Sam be banned from the cafe six separate times, before assuring you that he was only joking every single time. Eventually, you polished off your third croissant, and Logan decided it was time to go back to his filming studio. He had a stream planned for later that day, he said, and he had to get ready.

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