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Tuesday november 3rd 11:30 pm

Y/n pov :

I was laying in bed trying to sleep as I had a match the next day, I was struggling to sleep for the past hour. Even though it was just a regular match my coach was really excited for tomorrows match earlier this morning which was confusing as we had a match every Wednesday.

I was home alone since I got back from school and training which probably meant my dad is out drinking because my mom passed when I was 5. With the thought of him getting back drunk I forced myself to sleep.

I woke up at 9am, my match was at 12pm so I had a bit of time. I went to the bathroom and then went to get a glass of water.

When I saw my dad lying on the ground I wasn't sure if he fainted or was dead but he had a bottle of vodka in his hand and a black eye. I checked if he was breathing and then started to make breakfast for myself. I wanted to leave before my dad woke up because if I didn't he would hit me and mess with my head especially because i had a match in a few hours.

After I ate breakfast I grabbed my football kit and drove to the match. I play for an grassroots club which isn't that good but my dad would never put me in a big club. When i arrived I went straight to the changing room that was filled with energy from my team mates. We changed into our kits and headed out for a little warm up.

While i was warming up i was talking to my friend Maya. "By the way people were saying there are going to be Arsenal scouts for the senior team" Maya said excitedly. "No way that must've been why coach was so excited." I knew that my parents would never let me go and i didn't want to tell Maya because she would figure out about my parents and what they do to me.

The match started off well at half time the score was 3-0 I scored all of them. While I was drinking water i looked at to the side and saw the Arsenal scouts. I really hope they scout me even though i might not be able to join.

The game ended 7-2 i scored 5 and assisted 1 which I was really happy about especially with the scouts watching.
While I was talking to Maya the scouts called me over and I was shaking when I walked over they congratulated me on the win and introduced themselves. There were three of them Kayla, Steve and Jhon.

"Your a really valubale player your speed your finishing and dribbling is amazing so y/n would you like to sign for the Arsenal senior team?" Kayla said. I couldn't believe it i made the senior team at 16, "I would love to but i'll have to check with my parents first" I said my dad would definitely say no but I still had to give it a try because playing for arsenal has been my dream since I was little.

"Yeah of course we need a guardian to sign the contract along with you anyway since your under 18, we will contact your coach for further details" Steve said

As i was walking back to Maya she jumped in my arms. "I can't believe they want me out of everyone I said that I want to sign for them but i'll have to ask my parents" "I'm so happy for you I'm sure they will say yes" she said not knowing a word about my parents.

A/n: The other parts won't be this short I just wanted to see if you like it so far or if I should change it

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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